Vidalista 40 Mg

Description  Of Vidalista 40 Mg:

The core and active ingredient of vidalista 40 mg Tadalafil which works for relaxing the blood vessels and increase the blood flow to particular body parts. Tadalafil under the name Cialis is aimed to cure erectile dysfunction (ED) in men & strictly not recommended to women. Furthermore, it is approved by US FDA to treat the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and the conditions where the ED and BPH coincide.

How To Take Vidalista 40 Mg:

Always take the vidalista 40 tablets or any ED medication after proper consultation with a doctor. Take the Vidalista 40 tablets with normal water and avoid taking it with fruit juices or alcoholic drinks. Do not break the tablet and always take it as a whole. 

Take it after a light meal or on an empty stomach for getting faster results. It can be taken with or without the food also. Always take the tablet at least 40-50 minutes before the sexual activity as it takes time to start working, once taken you can enjoy spontaneity for up to 5 hours.

How to work Vidalista 40 Mg:

vidalista contains Tadalafil 40mg which acts on the erectile tissue of the penis to improve the blood flow to cause an erection. During Physical stimulation, nitric oxide is discharged in the erectile tissue of the penis which activates the enzyme guanylate cyclase.

Dosage Of Vidalista 40 Mg:

The correct dosage is to eat vidalista 10 mg or in doses of 5 mg or 20 mg, 1 time in 24 hours. And you can take this drug for up to 18 – 24 months. Of course, the tadalafil dosage would be based on your medical condition.  Of importance to note is that while you take vidalista 40 dosage, you should never take any other drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Another way of taking tadalafil 40 mg is to take it daily, once in a day, to treat sexual impotence. In case you decide to take the drug in this way, you can try to have sexual stimulation at any time you wish to, between your doses. vardenafil levitra and sildenafil viagra is the best option for ED

Side-effects of Vidalista 40 Mg:

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Digestion or Sleep Disorders
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Dryness of throat
  • Flushed face or redness on the face
  • Ringing or buzzing in the ears
  • Increase in the blood pressure
  • A Sudden increase in the heartbeat
  • Nervousness and confusion

Warning  Of Vidalista 40 Mg:

vidalista 40 mg pill can lower blood pressure, and combining it with alcohol may further increase this effect. Tadalafil 40mg is probably safe to use during pregnancy. Please consult your doctor. No information is available on the use of Vidalista during lactation. Please ask your doctor. Vidalista 40 mg should be used with caution in patients with kidney disease. Vidalista may make you feel dizzy, sleepy, tired, or reduce alertness. If this happens, do not drive. Tadalafil 40 mg should be used with caution in patients with liver disease. Please consult your doctor. Use of Vidalista 40 mg is not recommended in patients with severe liver disease.

Storage Of  Vidalista 40 Mg:

Store your medicines at room temperature among 68-77 degrees F (20-25 degrees C) away from light & humidity.

Do not store your capsules in the bathroom.

Keep all medicine far from reach of children & pets.

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