Bringing digital transformations through application modernization has been a universal message in the IT industry. Modern application development has benefitted many businesses globally with vast amounts of data and increased the responsive rate of business applications. Cloud migration and modernization have helped organizations create workspaces that suit changing needs, like working from home. As a result, modern applications have only reduced manual labor but the time is taken for each task significantly. 

Today large businesses use high-end applications that have enhanced features to make use of the cloud in generating good services for their customers. In this article, you will learn more about modern applications and how they will benefit your business in creating a better portfolio of services.

Modern Application Development: An Overview

Modern application development replaces traditional systems that are slow and expensive due to high maintenance. It builds and maintains applications to increase the agility, scalability, security, and reliability of business processes. Application developers in IT organizations design applications with modular architecture patterns and serverless operational models. The applications may include microservices and APIs, web and mobile backend applications, IoT batch processing applications, shared services platforms, etc. 

Scalability allows foreign applications and incompatible devices to be connected and work together. A hybrid network increases the portability to meet the scalability needs of enterprises with various cloud providers and different IT environments. It is built to overcome several challenges like network unavailability and high running time and make it resilient. Modern application services help make changes and integrations seamlessly into the existing system for new technological or consumer development. 

Different Components Of Modern Applications

The functions and types of modern applications vary with the need of different IT domains, and they are as follows:

Microservices and APIs

Microservices and APIs are small chunks of programs with standard programming interfaces mainly used in testing and deployment. The reusability level of such programs paves the way for deploying multiple other applications. 


Containers are packed with codes that promote any application to run quickly and reliably in different computing environments. Containers ensure uniformity of modern applications despite the different aspects of development and hardware platforms. 


DevSecOps offers security for continuous testing and reconciliations after defects during migrations from traditional applications into new application production and integrations. Developers are responsible for generating codes during the vulnerabilities due to legacy application migration.


Continuous integration, continuous deployment (CI/CD), and modern application development are intertwined processes. CI/CD creates different pathways for rapid testing and small code generations. With the help of CI/CD, organizations can generate many minor code releases with fewer defects compared to more extensive codes.


Automation technology steers modern application development with the advantage of the cloud and AI. Tools like Kubernetes manage containers and CI/CD to create an IT infrastructure with necessary components like firewalls, servers, load balancers, firewalls, routers, identity, and accessibility.

Modern Applications Development With Mainframe Modernization 

Conventional mainframe hardware infrastructure does not provide the right environment for an on-premises data center or building applications in a technology stack. Modern application development works well when applications are cloud-native. Cloud-native applications are flexible, portable, and agile, thereby increasing the successful implementation of modern application development services.

For example, banking organizations require different mobile applications for their customers with varying requirements. The underlying legacy source code should be cloud-native for active retrieval and management of data.

Modern Application Development: Quinnox

Investing in Quinnox's latest technology for modern application development can help you stay ahead of your competitors. Quinnox support services and experts in application modernization will align your business needs with the latest innovations that help generate significant ROIs.