While booking the tickets with an airline, sometimes you may enter the wrong name of the traveler. Delta Airlines Flight Booking offers exclusive offers & inflight services during the trip. However, the wrong entry of the name can happen to anyone but there are ways to resolve it.

It’s the US major airline & a greta legacy carrier making your every trip memorable. Moreover, it’s the world’s largest airline in operations & rather believes to provide immense comfort.

Is it possible to change your name here after booking?

You need to call the respective airline to change the name & there’s a fee involved with the high to lower price.

What’s the process to change the name?

For the name change with the airline, below are the important steps to follow:

  • Access the official site & look for the manage booking section
  • Now, mention all the information followed by the second name of the passenger
  • On the menu section, click on change my name
  • Make the important changes & upload the necessary documents
  • After the above process & hit the submit button.

What are the rules for the same?

As below are the steps to follow:

  • Well, you might be not allowed to amend the entire name & can change the three letters of the name.
  • You can only make changes to the spellings
  • People can only do it for the single time
  • The name change is allowed for the unused or partially used fare
  • Perhaps, for the name-changing process, the stock of the original fare must be maintained.
  • You need to submit all the required documentation. However, in case of marriage or divorce, you need to submit the legal certificate

Moreover, the customers can refer to the Delta change flight Policy in case people don’t like the services or departure.

How to change the last- name on the airlines?

If the customers wish to change their last name, they need to follow the below steps:

  • You can get a free chance for a name change within 24 hrs
  • Post the time limit, you need to pay some charges for the change
  • However, the fare starts from $70-500.
  • It also depends on the fare type followed by the time left for the departure.