So many people out there are in search of candles that are unique and beautiful.

These people love to buy candles for myriads of reasons. Some people see pillar candles as a sign of joy and merriment by having candle light dinner.

Some like to buy wicks candles for meditation. Whereas, others love to use votive candles as a way of decorating their offices and rooms.

Then there is another segment of customers that like to light up tea light for creating a relaxed state of mind.

The reasons for different types of candles vary with the personal taste and needs of people. But, it all comes to choosing a candle box packaging that effectively presents your candles.

When customized the right way, candles boxes become the identity of your candle brand and enable you to sell candles like hot cakes.

In this blog post, we will discuss the most essential add-ons and customization possibilities for candle box packaging.

Inspirational Styles for Candle Packaging Boxes

Packaging styles refer to the mechanism or the way a box opens up. Speaking about styles, candle boxes can be made into a lot of style options.

The way a packaging is styled plays a huge role in how the customer perceive the quality of any type of candle packed inside.

Sleeve & Tray Style of Candle Boxes

These boxes have a unique look that’s very classical.

The structural built of these boxes consists of two components. One is the tray, and the second component is the sleeve.

In order to access the candle, a person will have to push the tray such that it will slide from under the sleeve.If you are in the United States, then you can get in touch with packaging companies like Zee Custom Boxes for making the perfect Candle Packaging at affordable rates

The special thing about sleeve styled candle boxes is all about the smooth sliding motion. While accessing the product, the tray smoothly slides out of the packaging in a swift manner. The sight of this is truly amazing to watch.

Add-Ons for Sleeve Style

You can use two useful and amazing add-ons for the sleeve style. One is the ribbon handle and the other is the drawer handle like add-on. Both of these add-on choices look very pretty on one of the sides of candle boxes.

These boxes can be ordered on a discounted wholesale rate. If you’re looking to benefit from these boxes in the long run and considerably save costs, then go for these boxes in bulk.

Shoulder Styled Two-Piece Candle Packaging Boxes

These boxes are called two-piece boxes because they consist of two main components. One is the top lid and the other is the base in which the candle is placed.

The shoulder candle packaging has this great appeal that turns it into deluxe packing. People are naturally attracted towards things that look deluxe and luxurious.

This way, by using the two-piece style, you can dramatically boost sales of votives and wicks candles.

Curved Top Flap Packaging

This type of candle box packaging can be turned into a total package by making with rigid material.

Talking about the built of this packaging, it is usually cubic in shape and the upper flap is basically long and curved from one or two points.

When custom candle boxes are made with rigid material – that is when the appeal of these boxes is triple-folded.

A votive candle packed in these boxes looks high-quality. Customers perceive candles to be of premium nature by virtue of the such packaging.

The top of these boxes is minimalistic with little design patterns and a few aspects of textual information on top.

The curving top and an overall solid built results instantly gets eye-balls to roll-in and pay attention.

Add-Ons for Functionality & Uniqueness

With custom add-ons, you enhance the practical features of the candle box while also making it look unique and branded.

Window Add-On

The window add-on is something that doubles the appeal of candles. As the saying goes that a picture is worth a thousand words. A window on top of candle box packaging works like an instant marketing tool when the box is placed on display shelves.

Different Amazing Shapes of Windows

• Rectangular window that’s ideal for long candles

• Steric window that looks creative

• Square window for an evergreen appeal and a clear broad view of the votive candles inside

• Windows in diamond cutout patterns are novel and partially show the glass texture of decorative candles

Apart from the above, you can get creative and use many different shapes for packaging.

Cardboard Cut-Out Cavities

The cutout cavities not only snuggly hold the candles, but also add to the inside presentation.

Candles placed in perfectly die-cut cavities that have neatly cutout inside sliding cardboard result in a snug fit on the body of candles.

Foam Inserts

Foam inserts inside candle box packaging is a way of making things look much more premium. With such inserts, you can bestow a luxurious appeal to candles.

But, the primary purpose of these add-ons in candle packaging is to provide high level of protection to the glass covering of votive candles.

Other premium candles such as wicks are also saved from losing texture and stay in pristine form.

Divider Inserts

If the goal is to send more than one candle to customers, then you better use divider inserts.

Divider inserts are simply partitions that are mostly made from cardboard.


The benefits of dividers in candle boxes:


• Candles look neatly arranged.

• Candles appear to be branded.

• Candles do not collapse into each other. This saves the waxy shape and texture from any deformation.


Ribbon Decoration

If you use multi-shaded ribbons, it’s a great way of beautifying candles boxes. A ribbon on top that beautifully closes with a knot makes the packaging look premium.

This way, candle buyers feel tempted to explore. It’s as if the packaging will help you put a positive influence on customers’ buying decision.

Concluding the Discussion

All the above-mentioned styles, add-ons and their utility serve as an inspiration for you to go for well-customized candle box packaging. You can creatively craft your own unique candle boxes with an able packaging supplier.