It was also a problem due to the fact that new content updates were few and far between. Many expansions in WoW's history have at least three major content updates WoTLK Gold. Shadowlands however, on the contrary however, only received two patches in the last two years, with the latest and final content patch having only arrived recently. Two major patches means that it puts Shadowlands within the same group with 2014's Warlords of Draenor expansion, which was another low point in the game's history. The fact that WoW still requires a $15 monthly fee to play makes the seven-month gap between Shadowlands the content updates more egregious. The pandemic certainly had an impact on the production of content and workflow, but that doesn't make the fact that there aren't any something new to do within the game an easy pill to take for players. Since the recent Eternity's Finale update marking the actual end of content updates for Shadowlands and a new expansion still not yet announced, it will likely be another long time before any kind of new content is introduced in to Shadowlands.

The Jailer is remembered by many as being among the least unsatisfying fictional characters of World of Warcraft history.

None of these speaks of the story behind Shadowlands, which has been another big issue for a lot of longtime fans. Through Shadowlands, Blizzard introduced a new villaincalled the Jailer as the ultimate mastermind behind not only the massive events from the last few expansions, but also events that shaped the lore which date in the past to World of Warcraft. The Jailer was designed to be a brilliant scheming genius who had been hatching his plans to alter the rules of reality for many years. In reality, his plans had no logic as he did not have any more to say that the clichéd "prepare to die mortals" kind of. The villain was slammed by fans, jokingly referring to him as playing a game of 4D chess that not even Blizzard could comprehend. As revealed at the end in the end of Shadowlands attack, the Jailer ultimately proved to be a mere character and more a plot device, existing only in order to draw attention to a previously unseen of threat to the universe that was never before seen. This way, Blizzard reduced decades of lore along with character-building for the iconic characters of the franchise like Sylvanas and Arthas and Arthas, all to the benefit of a simple villain who offered little to the world of the game buy WoTLK Gold, other than the admittedly powerful ability to make anything he came in contact with become worse.