Quality assurance is one of the most important aspects of any software development process. Without it, your software would likely be riddled with errors and glitches that could cause irreparable damage. One key element of quality assurance is testing. Testers are responsible for verifying the quality of a product before it’s released to the public. In this blog post, we will discuss the kpi (key performance indicators) for qa testers and how you can use them to improve your testing process.

What is kpi?

KPI stands for "key performance indicator." KPI is a metric to track progress or success of an individual, team, or organization. It can be used to measure the effectiveness of a process or system and make decisions about how to improve it.

There are many types of KPIs that can be used in QA testing. Some common examples include:
-User acceptance test (UAT) goal completion rates
-Pass/fail rates for specific tests or bug categories
-Number of defects found by automated testing tools
-Time to first fix (TTF) for regressions

What are the benefits of calculating kpi?

KPI (Keep it simple, stupid!) is a metric commonly used in quality assurance testing and represents the number of defects per thousand opportunities. Defects can be anything from user errors to system crashes. A high kpi value indicates that the software or process is effective at catching defects.

There are a few benefits to calculating and tracking your kpi:

1) You can measure the effectiveness of your QA process.

2) You can identify areas where you need to improve.

3) It can help you optimize your testing strategy.


When it comes to quality assurance, nobody knows Quality Assurance (QA) like KPI. In this article, we'll be discussing the different types of QA and how they can help you measure and improve the quality of your products. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be able to create effective QA plans that will help ensure that your products meet customer expectations.