Due to poor lifestyles and various environmental changes, infertility has emerged as the most complex health condition among couples of reproductive age. 15% of India falls into the category of infertility, alarming the situation of the country while making it essential to seek a cure for infertility by IVF or ICSI treatment.

Hence, this article will cover the essential details of what infertility is in the first place and how ICSI helps to combat the cautious circumstances of infertility in men and women.

What do you understand by Infertility?

Infertility is when a couple fails to conceive, or a chronic situation when a man or a woman fails to complete the reproductive process effectively even after trying for more than a year via unprotected intercourse.

How does ICSI help in Infertility?

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is beneficial when IVF or IUI fails to do so. ICSI is usually known as "further assistance of in-vitro fertilization" and is usually initiated to treat the severe conditions of male infertility. It is a procedure in which a selected sperm is injected manually into the center of an egg with the help of a needle to make the egg fertile. It is better known as an embryo when it gets implanted into the uterus after monitoring for five days in a modern laboratory.

Reasons to seek ICSI treatment?

The foremost question that arises among many couples is what is the reason to seek ICSI  treatment alongside the IVF process-

  • The shape of the sperm is not right.

  • Previously performed IVF processes failed. 

  • Blockage in the male reproductive system

  • Poor motility of sperm

  • Sperm count is not sufficient to perform IVF treatment alone 

  • The treatment is initiated while using frozen eggs 

  • Sperm is not able to get attached to an egg on its own

The most observant ICSI procedure step by step?

The IVF process usually starts with the consumption of fertility medications to stimulate the production of matured eggs. The ICSI procedure will be performed when the eggs are ready to be retrieved.

Retrieval: Matured eggs from women’s ovaries and sperm from men’s sperm are retrieved to continue the ICSI procedure.

Sperm injection into an egg: An extracted semen sample will be washed and cleaned to inject into the center of an egg with the help of a needle. The direct injection of sperm bypasses the need to swim through the cervical fluid. 

Monitoring of the embryo: The fertilized eggs are kept for monitoring for at least 5 days, as at that time, an embryo develops into a blastocyst with multiple cells.

Embryo Implantation: When embryos reach the stage of implant, they get transferred into the woman's uterus so that a successful pregnancy can occur.

Are there any risks associated with ICSI treatment?

ICSI treatment is almost similar to In-vitro fertilization. However, the risk associated with ICSI is slightly higher than IVF, such as:

  • Higher risk of chromosomal disabilities

  • Intellectual issues 

  • Congenital disabilities 

  • Autism 

What does the research say about the ICSI treatment success rate in India?

As suggested by various fertility specialists, the success rate of ICSI varies according to the woman’s age. As a result of this procedure, the fertilization of an egg is increased by 50 to 80%, while the chances of the woman becoming pregnant are reduced by 25%.

What is the expected ICSI treatment cost in India?

The cost of ICSI treatment is approximately INR 1,20,000 in India. This cost covers the cost of the ICSI procedure,  Including other tests and scans suggested during the treatment. 

Want to connect with the best fertility expert?

After learning more about intracytoplasmic sperm injection and weighing its benefits and drawbacks, the only thing left for you is to contact the best fertility expert at Crysta IVF as soon as possible to receive the most effective ICSI treatment in India. The ICSI procedure has a high success rate for a healthy pregnancy when all other treatments fail. Also, ICSI directly works on the specific complications of your reproductive organs so that you can plan for a healthy baby without having second thoughts.