A liquid facelift is a brief restorative treatment which utilizes dermal fillers, as well as botox infusions to reestablish facial volume, decrease wrinkles and revive the face. Known as a non-careful facelift, it's a restorative procedure which utilizes botox that will assist with decreasing unique kinks and dermal fillers to reestablish lost volume, which together will make a lifted, normally energetic look.

The deficiency of facial flexibility and volume can prompt kinks, wrinkles and creases creating;

Wrinkles - scowl lines, flat temple wrinkles and crows' feet at the eyes. Additionally the rabbit lines on the sides of the nose and the lipstick lines on the upper lip.

Volume Misfortune - this will in general happen in the mid-face around the cheek-bones causing depressed cheeks and hollows underneath the eye region.

Overlap and Wrinkles - lines from the nose to mouth, the naso-labial and puppet lines, the jaw and cheek regions.

Throughout the long term, our face will begin to lose collagen and elastin and this adds to hanging facial elements. A Liquid Facelift in Dubai lift treatment can accomplish any of the accompanying:

  • Delicate lifting of facial highlights
    Diminished lines, kinks, wrinkles or overlap
    Getting back normal, bended facial forms
    A more refreshed, revived look
    A more amiable grin


Botox is a muscle relaxant, which gets infused utilizing a dispensable needle with an extremely fine needle. Limited quantities of botox get infused exactly into different facial areas, which get picked via cautious assessment of the muscle developments on the face. The infusion will briefly suspend muscle development around there, streamlining temple wrinkles, crows' feet and smokers lines on the lips.

Dermal Filler

While dermal fillers are here and there known as kink fillers, they do significantly something other than smooth out wrinkles;

  • They smooth out the profound puppet lines, or grin lines around the nose and mouth
    Reestablish volume to empty, indented cheeks
    Fill in the tear box region under the eyes
    Add volume and upgrade the lips
    Relax the upward lip lines, or smokers lines
    Smooth out jawline wrinkles
    Reestablish facial form

A liquid facelift will upgrade the normal highlights of the face and smooth and fix the skin. It will adjust the state of the face utilizing progressed injectable strategies, giving moment, sensational outcomes. There's no personal time with this technique, in spite of the fact that you can require a couple of hours to unwind, permitting the outcomes to settle and come to fruition. There's just a modest quantity of swelling or expanding and any distress is negligible.