Gynecology Counselling

Effective counseling requires knowledge, comfort, and skill. It does not require multiple sessions to be effective. Physicians give medical counsel to patients routinely within the constraints of normal practice. Medical counsel and marital counseling by the physician differ significantly. Medical counsel is offered from a wide base of knowledge and training, and the physician approaches the patient as an authority, clearly in control of the situation.

Stree Hospital offers the best counseling service to every woman of PCMC. Information, knowledge, and training about marriage and marital concerns are not part of the medical education of most physicians, and the physician need not expect to treat marital and sexual problems and difficulties with the same depth of knowledge used to address other health concerns.

Unlike the practice of medicine, counseling does not require the prescribing of the right answer to patients.

Counselling provides at Stree Hospital:

  • Pre-Marriage Counselling: Premarital counseling is a therapy that helps to prepare the couples mentally for marriage. The counseling helps to make sure that you and your spouse can have a strong and healthy relationship throughout your life. Premarital counseling helps to improve a couple's relationship before marriage
  • Pre Conception Counseling: Preconception counseling is an appointment with your healthcare provider that's used to plan for a future pregnancy. Your family history, risk factors, medical conditions, and lifestyle are all discussed. This appointment is an important part of a planned and healthy pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding Counseling:It is an effective public health intervention to increase rates of any and exclusive breastfeeding. At Stree Hospital Breastfeeding counseling should be provided face-to-face, and in addition, may be provided by telephone, both antenatally and postnatally, to all pregnant women and mothers with young children
  • Adolescent Gynecological Counseling: Stree Hospital experts have the training to understand the unique issues that affect the development and anatomy of growing girls and young women. They take great care to examine and treat girls sensitively and address their specific needs.