Buy Codeine Online

Codeine is an opioid drug that is used in around the clock treatment of mild to moderately severe pain. Since it belongs to the group of long-acting opioids, it can prove to be habit-forming and its misuse can cause addiction and prescription drug overdose problems, so you should read all the facts related to it before you buy codeine online and utilize it in the treatment of your pain conditions.



Details of the prescription:

People with serious breathing problems such as asthma, COPD, bronchitis; liver and kidney disease; tract in the stomach or intestines; urination troubles; gall bladder or pancreas disorder; abnormal curvature of the spine that affects breathing; head injuries, brain tumors, blood pressure issues, hyperventilation, digestive adrenal gland disorders, enlarged prostate gland, mental illness, depression, suicidal tendencies, and drug or alcohol addiction are not considered appropriate for the use of this medicine.

If you use MAO inhibitors, sedatives, tranquilizers or herbal products for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, mental illness, prevention of nausea or vomiting; you should not begin the use of this drug in continuation.

This drug is not considered good for use in pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children under 18 years. Never share your medication with anyone else who might use it for drug abuse.


Side effects and precautions:

The usual side effects that can increase when you buy codeine online and use it as a pain reliever are dizziness or drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, constipation, sweating, and slight itching.

Serious side effects that may require immediate medical attention when they occur are: slow heart rate or low pulse, noisy or shallow breathing, fatigue, urination problems, seizures, epilepsy; a development of serotonin syndrome that can be diagnosed by symptoms such as confusion, agitation, hallucinations, unusual thoughts or behaviors, sweating, fever, muscle stiffness, and muscle contractions. Low levels of cortisol may cause nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dizziness, fatigue, or weakness that can worsen.


Store this medicine away from the reach of children, pets, and potential drug users who may use it knowingly or accidentally and who may experience the worst side effects including heart attacks and death by slowing or stopping breathing.

Dosing Information:

If you buy codeine online, make sure that you get the prescription leaflet along with the package. Read &  follow it closely for a healthy recovery with lesser side effects.

As this is a pain reliever, it is very unlikely that you will miss a dose, but if this happens, you must wait until the next scheduled time. Do not take extra medication to cover up for a missed dose.


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