According to a poll, more than 40% of Indian cities' metropolitan highways are blocked on an average working day because of car parking problems. We witness an enormous number of vehicles on the highways every year as a result of the metropolitan areas' rapid growth. Due to them, parking places are few, and traffic is backed up. The number of parking places in cities is increasingly falling short of current needs, and this issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

At both the municipal and strategic levels, the issue of parking cars has become one that requires immediate attention. These problems will be much reduced if there are multilevel parking options that are well-planned and space-optimized. Across the nation, architects and developers have already begun to take this issue into account during the planning and design phases of residential and commercial developments.

Therefore, we'll walk you through the main parking problems in India in this post and also look at potential remedies. 

Indian Parking Issues are Getting Worse

Parking on the street: Nowadays, owning a car isn't a big problem, but locating a parking space is like going on a treasure hunt. People frequently skip paying for parking and instead choose to park anywhere on the roads because everyone is in a rush and doing so is entirely free. Destination delays, traffic jams, and high traffic are the outcomes of this.

Road congestion and overcrowded parking lots: Those looking for a place to leave their cars frequently have to wait in line along the sides of the road, which leads to congested roads. This issue results in incidences of disputes and quarrels amongst the owners, overcharging for parking, and even deformation of cars.

Parking issues during special occasions: On special occasions like festivals, parties, marriage functions, concerts, fairs, etc., having unending traffic along the roadside is a common scene in India. The parking lots are under a lot of pressure, and frequently there aren't enough spaces. This again leads to cruising, long queues, chaos, and quarrels.

Resulting noise and air pollution: People honking their horns, and even yelling at others for parking spaces, causes a lot of noise pollution. Besides, long waiting for parking leads to air pollution.

Best Remedies for Indian Parking Issues

The authorities in charge of town planning should properly plan and allot specialised places for huge parking lots around the cities, albeit this is not as simple as it may seem. In addition, strong regulations must be implemented wherever possible to end parking issues, such as charging drivers to park on public streets.

Better Infrastructure with Multilevel Parking Systems: In order to provide better parking options, it is critical to modernise the infrastructure whenever possible. The current need calls for multilevel parking system architecture.

New Government Regulations: This may sound a little silly, but it is past time for the government to introduce severe regulations for purchasing a vehicle. Only those with a designated parking place should be permitted to purchase cars.

Renovation of Older Buildings and Projects: Wherever feasible, older buildings and projects that are centrally located in metropolitan areas and were built more than ten years ago need to be rebuilt. Such projects typically lack adequate parking areas for vehicles. People did not have as many vehicles before ten years ago, but that is not the case anymore. In order to address the growing parking problems, automatic car parking systems are now required in all buildings.

Strong Public Transportation System: In the long run, fewer vehicles on the road may be a potential solution to India's parking issues. An effective public transportation system could be crucial in this situation. It is also a cost-effective choice.