Nonwoven equipment is an important part of the industry, and for good reason. It has many benefits over traditional equipment, like lower operating costs and a smaller footprint. But how do you choose the right nonwoven equipment? In this article, we'll explore some of the secrets to double beam nonwoven equipment's success.

What is double beam nonwoven equipment and what are its benefits?

The components of double beam nonwoven machine consist of two parallel beams joined by a network of elastomeric rings. This particular type of nonwoven material has several distinctive qualities that make it the best option for a wide range of applications.

The ability of double beam nonwoven equipment to absorb significant volumes of water and moisture is one of its most prominent advantages. This makes it the perfect material for uses in flood barriers, humidifiers, and even air conditioning systems. Double beam nonwoven products are especially resistant to abrasion, making them a great option for uses like conveyor belts and medical equipment.

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How to produce double beam nonwoven equipment?

Using the appropriate equipment and materials, double beam non woven making machine equipment can be produced. Here are some pointers to get you going:


Use the appropriate tools. When used with the appropriate machines, the double beam nonwoven equipment produces products of a high caliber. Make sure your sewing and weaving equipment is suitable for producing this kind of fabric.

Utilize the proper materials. The quality of the materials you employ will affect how well your double beam nonwoven products turn out. Select dependable, absorbent fibers that are of a high caliber. To make these materials correctly, you will also want a good weaving or sewing machine.

What are the different types of double beam nonwoven equipment?

Double beam nonwoven machinery comes in a variety of forms, each with special advantages. This is so that the two fiber strands that make up double beam nonwovens can be securely entwined and held together by a resin coating. As a result, they are sturdy, adaptable, and durable.


The following are some of the most typical designs of twin beam non woven machinery:

Machinery for continuous filament spinning (CFS). The double beam nonwovens are produced by CFS machines using a continuous stream of molten polyester or another polymer. CFS machines are able to generate high-quality goods significantly more quickly than conventional spinning techniques because they employ a continuous process.

Machinery for spinning rings. Numerous tiny rings are used by ring spinning devices to spin the yarn around. This results in a denser strand that is more durable than traditional single beam nonwovens.

Beam weaving machines. Beam weaving machines use multiple beams to weave the yarn into a continuous strand. This allows for more even distribution of the resin coating, which leads to higher quality products.



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How to choose the right double beam nonwoven equipment for your business?

What kind of double beam nonwoven equipment is suitable for you may be on your mind if you're looking to purchase a new piece of machinery to aid in the operation of your company. In this blog post, we'll outline how to select the ideal DBNW type for your company depending on your unique requirements.

Before beginning, start by asking yourself some important questions about your company. Do you need to generate a lot of things quickly? Are you seeking for a multifunctional product that has several uses? Does quality matter to you?

Take a look at the many sorts of equipment on the market once you've determined what kind of DBNW will best suit your needs. The two primary types of DBNW machines: those that use rolls and those that use sheets.

Roll-based machines are great if you need to produce high volumes quickly. They're also versatile, meaning they can be used for a variety of tasks. Sheets-based machines are better if you need to produce high-quality products. They're also more expensive, but they offer more flexibility.


Double beam nonwoven equipment offers a number of benefits that can improve the performance of your non woven production line. By using this type of equipment, you can reduce waste and improve efficiency, both of which are essential if you want to keep your business running at peak performance. If you're interested in investing in double beam nonwovenequipment, be sure to take the time to learn about all its features and potential applications so that you can make the best decision for your business.