There are plenty of art and craft ideas you can use to make fun and cheap jewelry. Making jewelry is a great way to learn about color and design and can be a lot of fun. This blog takes a look at a simple necklace you can make from silicone beads. You can add your own beads to the design you have created so you can make it just the way you like it.

Create your own necklaces

More and more people are becoming interested in handmade jewelry. Making your own pendant jewelry  is a fun and exciting activity. You can make unique, one-of-a-kind jewelry that is all your own. Plus, handmade jewelry is usually much more affordable than store-bought. There is a wide variety of supplies available for making jewelry. You can find everything from beads to pendants and chains at your local craft store. If you are planning on making something with a lot of different colors of silicone beads then contact Bellas Beads Supply. They are available in an abundance of colors and are very easy to work with.

Use a silicone bead

Silicone beads are a great way to make simple jewelry. While they are usually paired with a lanyard or keychains beads, you can use them just about anywhere you would use a standard bead. I've used silicone beads in a bracelet, necklace, and earrings.


Silicone beads are one of the easiest jewelry supplies to start with. These beads are cheap and you can create a beautiful necklace with these beads.

We hope our blog post on how to make a simple necklace with a silicone bead helped you to create a piece of jewelry you're proud to wear. There are many ways to make a simple necklace, so be sure to check out some of the other blogs on our website for more inspiration. If you liked this blog, please let us know by visiting Bellas Beads Supply.

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