About Health ATM

Health ATMs in India come equipped with different features and functionalities.

They are private walk-in kiosks staffed by medical attendants. The integrated devices in these kiosks can be used for checking basic vitals and laboratory testing; even speciality testing such as cardiology, pulmonary, gynecology and neurology are facilitated in these kiosks along with emergency facilities. In urban areas, these also serve as wellness walk-in kiosks.

Health ATM machines help in quick and hassle-free health screening. There is also the facility of connecting patients to specialists and certified doctors through video conferencing and web and mobile applications. 


Significance of Health ATM Machine

At present, with the change in lifestyle and expansion of non-communicable diseases, there is a requirement for preventive screening and early diagnosis. Here, these ATMs play a pivotal role in the early identification of diseases and getting timely and quality treatment.

Not only preventive and quality care, even when installed at government healthcare centers, primary care centers and rural clinics, these ATMs also help in avoiding the menace of long wait periods and addressing the unequal doctor-patient ratio. Also, with the diagnostics done through these health  ATM machines, the results can be easily transferred and verified by a centralized control unit. The unit can, in turn, instruct the doctors on the line of treatment based on the diagnosis. 

However, there are certain challenges in operating Health ATMs. With interrupted power supply and internet connection along with inadequate infrastructure, it is quite difficult for managing a Health ATM in the rural area. At the same time, taking the onus of maintenance of such ATMs adds on to the responsibility of government and primary center officials. Any delay in maintenance can lead to converting such Kiosks to relegated cold storage in no time. 

However, several groups are working on improving the capabilities of Health ATM. At the same time, there are various preventive and wellness groups which are using these ATMs to address health issues of villages and also installing it at other places such as malls and airports for easy access of the consumers to diagnostic reports and quality caregivers. 

With the increasing penetration of the internet, greater consumerization of care and emphasis on preventive care, Health ATM is undoubtedly going to play an indispensable role in the years to come. The day is not far when increasing functionalities and capabilities of such ATMs is going to replace a retail health clinic completely and will act as a first touch base for anyone looking for preventive diagnosis and quality treatment.

About Healthnovo

Healthnovo is a health-tech company providing
1. Consultation Services
2. Diagnostics services
3. Merchandiser of Medical devices & Generic medicines.


Healthnovo has a team of dedicated medical professionals that provide both online and offline services emphasizing the well-being of the patients.


The company has excellent healthcare professionals with highly equipped technology. They also provide low-cost generic medicines which makes them accessible to everybody. 


Healthnovo ATM

Healthnovo ATM is a single integrated machine with all the latest diagnostic equipment designed to conduct basic vitals and diagnose chronic diseases related to cardiology, neurology, pulmonary testing, gynecology, basic laboratory testing as well as emergency facilities. 


Some of the benefits of Healthnovo ATM are:

  • Automated health screening & diagnostics, 

  • Live video consultation with doctors and specialists, 

  • Instant health report along with historical data for accurate analysis, 

  • Easy accessibility of patient information to doctors, 

  • Conducts 140+ screening tests invasive & non-invasive in five to fifteen minutes 

  • Diagnostic tests at 30% - 50 % lower rate 

  • Portable and easy to operate


How the Healthnovo ATM works

The following is the process of how the ATM works:

  1. Patient Registration

  2. Select the type of Blood Test

  3. Consumable strip Calibration and collection of blood samples.

  4. The collected blood sample is then inserted inside the machine for reading

  5. The patient can check their report on HN+ App.

  6. Health ATM generates the report and shares it with the concerned doctor

  7. Takes only 10-15 mins to get your test result


Get Instant Results!


Our Health ATM is well equipped to perform instant diagnostic screening tests related to cardiology, neurology, pulmonary testing, and gynecology.The tests include:

  • Blood pressure Check 

  • Pulse oximetry Check 

  • Temperature Check 

  • Weight check 

  • Height (Manual) Check

  • Bone Mass Measure 

  • Muscle Mass Measure 

  • Hydration Measure 

  • BMR Check 

  • Metabolic Age Check 

  • Fat-Free Weight Check 

  • Skeletal Muscle Measure 

  • Physique Rating 

  • Health Score Rating 

  • Body Fat Measure 

  • BMI Check

  • Subcutaneous Fat Measure 

  • Visceral Fat Measure


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