Over 100million happy customers are using Intuit

Intuit is serving millions of users through various platforms like QuickBooks, MailChimp, TurboTax, etc. 

It provides financial assistance to billions of companies and helps them increase their profit margins by a huge increment in the digits. Do you know how Intuit is able to do this? With experts!

Teams of experts ensure that all the services offered by Intuit are highly efficient and fruitful for the clients. 

With a united mission of providing efficiency and accuracy in their minds, the technical experts at Intuit are continuously making efforts to increase their team strength. 

Do you know Intuit has recently hired more than 350 professionals from India for their technical teams?

This number constantly increases with every consecutive hiring event. If you are looking for an opportunity to join the largest growing fin-tech company Intuit, this page is for you. 

We will discuss how the candidates are selected in Intuit along with frequently asked technical questions to help you in having a better Intuit interview experience

These technical questions will also help you crack your interview with various other fin-tech companies. This is because the Goldman Sachs interview experience resembles the one you will have at Intuit. 

So, without any delays, let's look at how the interview proceeds in Intuit. 


The interview process at Intuit

Intuit tests your every skill in detail! 

One of the major things that make Intuit interview experience unique is their detailed hiring process. 

While appearing for the technical posts at Intuit, you will have to clear four stages of the interview. Be it a fresher or an experienced candidate, every applicant has to pass through these steps in detail. 

Intuit takes less than 1 week to respond to your application once you get selected, Yes it's that quick at Intuit. 

But there lies one important condition: you must clear all the Intuit interview rounds to get selected. 

Now, let's have a glance at the four phases of the Interview at Intuit.

Phase 1: Online assessment

The first round is an online aptitude test in which you are given a set of MCQs. These questions are framed based on various conceptual topics, core subjects, and aptitude-related problem statements. 

You can ace this phase if you closely monitor the type of questions asked during this phase. Once you clear this round, you will be able to appear for the next highly technical rounds of this interview. 

Phase 2: Technical Interviews

In this phase, you may have one or two rounds of technical interviews. Based on your experience and the application post, your interview rounds will be decided. 

There are various types of questions that can be asked during this phase of your interview. Following are some technical concepts asked during the technical interview rounds at Intuit

  • Data structures

  • OOPS

  • DBMS

  • Operating systems

  • Dynamic programming

  • Networking

  • Automation frameworks

  • Front end development

  • Back end development

You can be given problem statements to resolve and for which you may have to generate a specific code. However, it is safer to understand these concepts as well as learn their application in problem statements. 

Once you clear one or both the technical interview rounds, you will move to the final interview phase i.e. the HR interview. 

Phase 3: HR interview

Here, you will be evaluated on multiple skills including personality, strengths, leadership skills, communication skills, and other soft skills. This round can make a huge difference in the decision-making process for your hiring so, be prepared! 

Do you know most of the students find technical interview rounds to be the most difficult ones to crack? Don't worry! 

In the next segment, we have covered frequently asked questions that will help you in understanding the pattern of interview questions at Intuit. 


Frequently asked tech questions in Intuit Interview

There are various core subjects asked during technical rounds of interviews at Intuit including arrays, binary trees, insertion in Java, and other concepts. 

Following are the frequently asked technical questions during Intuit interview:

  • What do you mean by insertion sort in Java? Explain through a code.

Insertion sort allows you to sort the elements of an array one by one. It only executes one element at a time. You can easily take up an example of a small array with minimum elements to generate a code in Java for this sorting. 

  • How would you count occurrences of a specific character in a string or array? 

In such questions, you will have to declare an array of variables where you will store the string. Next, take the character( that needs to be searched) as input from the user. After this, you can easily put if-else conditions on your code and apply them to the loop. And finally, return the number of times the inputted character is occurring in the string. 

  • Show all the permutations of a string including recursive and iterative. 

These types of questions require in-depth knowledge of permutations, factorials, strings, and other specifications. Also, you need to learn iterative and recursive ways of printing permutations of an array.

  • What are divide and conquer algorithms? 

The divide and conquer in computer science is a way to resolve a complex problem. In this technique, the problem is divided into sub-problems (2 or more) to easily resolve the whole set of problems in divisions. 

  • Write a code to reverse an array. Take an array as input from the user. 

In such coding problems, all you need is a good grasp of loops and arrays. First of all, you can take an array as an input. Afterward, start printing each element in the reverse sequence. Make sure you apply this print command in the loop to ensure that the whole array is reversed continuously. 


Winding Up 

The Intuit interview experience is full of exciting twists and turns for the candidates. You will have to face different types of questions and go through a detailed process to attain a job at Intuit. 

This is something you can find in the Goldman Sachs interview experience as well! After all, these two organizations are the leading fin-tech global organizations in today’s generation!