If you have the space, it's a great idea to create a family gaming room set up in your home. It helps to keep the family together, in a spirit of fun and relaxation, and it's also a space you might want to invite your guests to enjoy with you. A games room is an excellent place to unwind after the stress of your working day, so tear yourself away from the television, and start playing games! Of course the first thing you are going to think of when you think of setting up your game room décor will be the games that you are going to play. Amongst the most popular are a pool or ping pong table, and a card table is also worth including, especially if it's one which you can also use for playing board games or doing jigsaws. Maybe include some classic arcade games, or a foosball or air hockey table. You could even put up a dartboard on the wall. You will also want some shelves or cupboards where you can store the smaller games that you are going to have in your games room, as well as for the accessories that accompany the larger games. Other furniture in the room should be selected to suit the room's purpose. If you want to spend time relaxing in comfort, then include some comfy seating. Many adults, especially if they are going to use the game room ideas for entertaining, would also choose to install a bar, or perhaps you could even install a small kitchen, with a sink, refrigerator, microwave and toaster oven, for those quick snacks. Music is likely to be needed in your games room, so set aside an area for your stereo and CDs. Also consider whether you want to include other entertainment systems, such as television, video games and so on. When it comes to decorating the family games room, again use the room's purpose as your theme. The purpose of the room, basically, is fun and relaxation, so try to fit this theme. Choose colors and pictures, for example, which are not too garish, if you want to feel relaxed, or bright and fun for a playful feel. You might even be able to find pictures or posters with a games theme on them, to add to your theme. If you want a specific theme for your gaming room decorating, how about sport, casino, traditional, or even retro. For retro, try including a juke box and 'Happy Days' posters. For casino, maybe you could get hold of your own slot machine! Don't forget the floor of the room. Comfort should also extend to the floor. A plush, thick area rug can be an excellent addition to any family room. It makes for a great area for the family to sit around for a few rambunctious board games or card games- Think scrabble, monopoly and rummy. You can find rugs these days that have game themes, such as playing cards, soccer fields, basketball courts and even dartboards. A snakes and ladders rug would be wonderful for toddlers to enjoy a game or two and to cuddle up on when they are done. Fun is your theme, so plan ahead, and make the most of your budget so you can have maximum fun with your family in your specially decorated room.