Self-Casted Discharge with 0 charge that deals 20,000,000 damage per second and reveals the League Secret in version 3.19 of POE Farming Guide. In this particular setting, all we require is a short amount of time to get things sorted out. It is finally time for the event that everyone has been anticipating and waiting for. When there are a sufficient number of competitors, we will move on to the next round. Hello there in the midst of the actual content. We are about to reveal something that has been kept secret.



There was not a single ninja that we could find who was aware of this fact. This is connected to the unveiling of abilities. You are well aware that the process of releasing will demand all of your attention and energy for the foreseeable future. The level of damage that is caused is directly proportional to the amount of charge that is lost during the discharge process.

If you do not have charge, you will not even be able to cast spells in a normal circumstance. Even though there is no discernible result each time you click, this is still considered to be magic. The question that arises at this juncture is the following: how are we supposed to discharge ourselves if there is no charge? The solution can be found in the idea of a charge that is lower than the minimum required. How does it work?


In point of fact, the amount of charge is not determined by taking the charge you had before casting and subtracting the cost you incurred after casting


  • Instead, the amount of charge is determined by taking the charge you had before casting

  • The correct response in our scenario is zero; however, this is not the case

  • Because it is currently using the cost before casting minus the minimum cost, we are able to discharge because our correction cost is negative

  • This is the reason why we are able to discharge

  • At this very moment, what is taking place is that it makes use of the cost before casting

  • In my case, the minimum charge for each item of jewelry is -4, and there are a total of 12 minimum charges that are categorized as being negative minimum charges

  • Indeed, this suggests that we have an astounding total of twelve discharges that are permanent

  • This is a territory that can only be entered by those who are a part of this particular coalition

  • We are unable to determine whether this was done accidentally or on purpose, so we cannot say which it is

What kind of adjustments should we make to this league in the interim if you want to participate in it before it is fixed? This suggests that in order to achieve maximum charging, it requires a significant amount of investment, in contrast to other discharge structures, whereas we do not require any investment in these at all. On the other hand, we do not require any investment in these. Wen in addition to these rings and amulets, other bills also require additional charging investment, or charging and critical hitting through another skill, which is a kind of cumbersome two hit game style, or using long-distance fur and some heavy investment in order to reduce the duration of the scale effect. In all of these cases, the charging and critical hitting must be done through another skill. Pharaoh's fur can be charged more quickly when done so in this manner. Nothing of this is required for us in any way. Take these rings and spells, and construct them in the same way that you would for any other normal caster. That's all there is to it. It is not necessary for magicians to use wands that deal triple damage in my case; as a result, you are free to invest your money in damage per second, defense, or quality of life, based on which of these areas is more important to you. We make more investments in DPS in my build, and as a direct result, the damage done by each caster is somewhere between 15 and 12 million.

In most cases, a single attempt is all that is required. The discharge has a cooldown time of two seconds, but whenever you cast a spell, if there is a spell echo support, it will repeat, effectively increasing your damage by almost twice as much as it was before. The discharge has a two-second cooling time, but when you cast a spell, if there is a spell echo support, How to Complete POE 3.8 Blight Challenges (buy it today) will repeat itself. This construction has a good synergy with the spell echo support gem because: the discharge has a two-second cooling time; however, when you cast a spell, it will repeat itself if there is a spell echo support. When my configuration is in effect, there is a system in place for trading weapons. We are able to offer you a spell echo that is only effective against a single target of your choosing. We had to give up the spell echo in order to map, but in its place, we made use of the second victory, which will ultimately lead to an improvement in your standard of living. You only need to fire your weapon once for each bag while they are being temporarily stored because you have two, which means you have two charges and two storage charges. During this time, you only need to shoot your weapon once for each bag. It is possible to win a fight against a boss who is insane by using the second wind ability twice.

It has a very upbeat and optimistic air about it. This mechanism can be helpful for a wide variety of skills, including those that are listed below. One of them is face running, which has a duration that proportionally increases with the amount of rage charge that is used up; as a result, you can see that we have 13 seconds, even though it is not necessary for it to be so long, right? Face running is one of the abilities. You can also see that the arcane impact contributes to the smooth operation of my working face; however, the fact that it lasts for 28 seconds is something that we consider to be an error. In addition, the duration of the Immortal Summoning skill grows longer with every insurance premium that is used up, and it also takes advantage of the benefits that this mechanism provides.

We prefer cold damage and lightning damage because the elements that they contain are more useful, such as freezing and impact, and as a result, in most situations, time: We are able to shock enemies with the largest effect, and We are able to freeze most enemies and / or map bosses, which is very crazy. On the other hand, the negative minimum endurance cost is not something that we have in my settings. This is due to the fact that we favor cold damage and lightning damage over minimum endurance, which prevents us from having a negative minimum endurance cost. You have hit on the most important point there. We have the deepest hopes that GGG will not look at this content and decide to change it. If it wasn't done on purpose, I don't think they will bother fixing it because there are a lot of other issues in this league that need to be addressed right now. If it was, however, done on purpose, I think they will. At this point, a map is the only thing I require.