The emergence of jewelry to add color to people's life after


There are many avid jewelry lovers who buy jewelry in large quantities only to have many unexpected problems due to lack of knowledge in caring for them. Wholesale jewelry. Therefore, it is also necessary to learn how to take care of jewelry after purchase.


1. Keep jewelry clean

Jewelry is delicate items, like home fumes, detergents, cosmetics and so on should be away from jewelry, generally speaking wear a period of time to clean.

2. Regular maintenance of jewelry

Jewelry maintenance is required to do regularly, only regular maintenance, jewelry to be able to shine brightly every day; when there is a problem will also be the first time to know, to facilitate the repair, rather than waiting for the problem to expand only to spend thousands of dollars to remedy.

3. Do not wear jewelry swimming or hot springs

In swimming or hot springs when the best not to wear jewelry, jewelry is easy to accidentally fall, and then the water contains chemicals, jewelry contact will also be damaged.

4. Do not wear jewelry to sleep

Many people have the habit of wearing jewelry to bed. In fact, this habit is not good at all, will cause unnecessary damage to the jewelry. Try to take off the jewelry before going to bed in order to protect the jewelry.

5. Store your jewelry in time

Many people because they bought too much jewelry, so much so that where to put it or the use of jewelry is not understood, easy to cause loss, so it should be timely storage.


When wearing jewelry, you should try to reduce the pull and friction of external forces to prevent the structure of jewelry deformation and fracture often wear jewelry to check once a month to see if there is wear or set loose, and then repair.


Avoid high temperature, exposure to the sun or sudden cooling; collection should pay attention to the different varieties, different hardness of jewelry stored separately, so as not to contact each other; sleep should be taken off jewelry, always put into the jewelry box or bag to avoid loss or accidental damage. If you put all kinds of jewelry in the same drawer or jewelry box at random, because the hardness of various stones and metals are different, rubbing against each other will lead to wear and tear.


All accessories should avoid contact with chemicals such as perfumes, cosmetics, acids, household cleaners or insecticide water. Both gold and gemstones must be carefully cared for and cleaned regularly to keep their shine bright and intact. And don't wear jewelry while exercising or doing heavy work to avoid bumps or bruises.


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