Facebook is constantly trying to make their platform easier and more user-friendly, and one way they've done this is by introducing a new "privacy checkup" feature. This technology news tool allows users to see which of their posts have been shared more than once, as well as keep track of which posts are being liked the most. Additionally, this new feature will help you determine whether or not your posts are engaging with your audience.

Facebook Introduces New


Facebook has just announced a brand new feature called the "Privacy Checkup". The Privacy Checkup is a new tool that will allow users to see exactly how their Facebook data is being used. This includes things like posts, pages, ads, and events.

The Privacy Checkup also allows users to make changes to their settings if they feel like their data is being abused. For example, you can decide not to share posts with your friends if you don't want them to see them. You can also decide who can see your posts and pages.

This feature is a big step forward for Facebook because it gives users more control over their data. It's also important to note that the Privacy Checkup is only available on desktop versions of Facebook.

Amazon Plans to Build a Second Headquarters in Nashville

Facebook has introduced a new "Privacy Checkup" which will allow users to see what information is shared with third-party applications and websites. This is in response to concerns over the use of Facebook data by Cambridge Analytica. Amazon has announced that it plans to build a new headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, which will create up to 50,000 jobs.

Google is Testing Ads on Its Street View Maps

Google is testing ads on its Street View maps. The ads will be placed on buildings and other landmarks that have been photographed by Google's Street View cameras.

Apple to Launch its Own Streaming Service in 2019

Apple is set to launch its own streaming service later this year, which will compete with services like Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Facebook has announced a new feature called the "Privacy Checkup." This system will allow users to see how much information Facebook has collected about them. This includes things like posts you've shared, your contacts, and your location.

This system is designed to help people make more informed decisions about their privacy settings. It's unclear how much information Facebook will actually be able to collect. However, it's likely that this system will be used to target advertising in the future.


Facebook has introduced a new "Privacy Checkup" feature that will allow users to see what information Facebook thinks it can share about them without their explicit consent. This includes things like your public profile, events you have attended, and pages you have liked. The Privacy Checkup is available as part of the Facebook app for both Android and iOS devices.