Aerial photography is the same as it sounds. It is the process of taking photographs from the air. In the past, aircraft and helicopters have been used to capture bird eye view photographs. But now, thanks to the continuously thriving technology, the same results can be achieved in a much less complicated manner.

It is often difficult to see some landscape components on the ground. Features can easily be missed, and what might seem like an ordinary bump from the ground can become beautifully significant from the top. In addition, some landscapes are difficult to explore on foot.

In such cases, aerial photography comes to the rescue by providing the most jaw-dropping shots. These days many people rely on Aerial Drone Photography Services in Arizona to capture magazine-worthy images of their property.

Types of Aerial photography

Aerial photography can be classified into three different parts depending on the camera axis, type of sensor, and scale of the image used:

  • Vertical aerial photographs

In this type, the camera axis is usually in the vertical position to capture stunning vertical Aerial photographs. It is most often used in the mapping. A smaller amount of the area is imaged without any tilt on the camera. If you require vertical aerial photographs, it is recommended to call a Professional Drone Services Company in Arizona to reap the best results.

  • Low oblique aerial photographs

These aerial images are taken by tilting the camera axis to more than 3o. These photos are taken intentionally with a deviation of 15 to 30 degrees in the camera from the vertical axis. Capturing the horizon is not possible in low oblique photographs.

  • High oblique photographs

The camera axis is tilted at a higher degree in a high oblique photograph. The camera angle is usually inclined at approximately 60o from the vertical axis. The horizon is visible in the high oblique photographs. Therefore, it is used to capture a larger area of land.

A reliable Professional Drone Services Company will be able to provide you with all kinds of aerial photography with perfection using their years of experience and top-notch tools.

Final thoughts

Capturing the world from above is not only beautiful but also useful. Drone photography services have plenty of applications, such as inspection, imaging, marketing, etc. Contact a reliable Professional Drone Services Company such as Hotshots Film for the most stunning results!