Even though Chinese takeout is so popular in Australia, many supermarkets are providing free replacements to customers who unintentionally lose or damage their bags. But what if you're not an Australian and don't have access to Chinese delivery?

Are Australian Chinese getting the same bag for free as everyone else?

The idea that Chinese people always receive special treatment is one of the most widespread misconceptions about them. Media outlets and online articles that place too much emphasis on the wrong issues, such as the so-called "China price," frequently contribute to this misconception. What about the little things, though? For instance, do Chinese Australians receive the same free bag as everyone else?

Yes, that is the answer. Regardless of whether they are approved by the Chinese government, stores like Coles and Woolworths provide a free replacement bag for any Chinese-made goods. The goal of this policy is to ensure that all Australians have an equal opportunity to purchase goods put in a durable washable non woven bag made in China and to deter people from doing so for cultural reasons.

This policy is an excellent illustration of how Australian businesses are attempting to engage with China and its expanding economy. Together, we can strengthen the ties between our two nations and make sure that every Australian has an equal opportunity to succeed.



image source: www.pinterest.ph

How to get a free replacement bag for your supermarket shopping

You may be aware that the majority of retailers offer free replacement bags to customers if you're one of the millions of Australians who shop at supermarkets every week. The store will give you a new bag if you just bring your old one in.

This is a fantastic way to cut waste and promote environmental protection. Given that the bags can be reused numerous times, it's also a fantastic way to save energy.

There are other ways to cut back on waste if you don't have an old washable nonwoven bag for food you can bring to the store. You can recycle plastics or compost food scraps, for instance. You can lessen the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills by carrying out these actions.


image source: www.pinterest.ph


I hope reading this article has made you aware of the fact that 99% of Australians are unaware of this fantastic freebie, which is offered in supermarkets all across the country. If you are Chinese Australian and are unaware of it, I beg you to find out about it immediately and take advantage of it before someone else does. By spreading the word about this fantastic offer, you will not only benefit your community but also receive some free groceries in the process. So why are you still waiting? Start stocking up on those freebies by going out there and use eco-friendly non woven bag!