Lawyers in Australia are required to complete a minimum of eight hours of CPD For Laywers a year, but personal circumstances can affect how many hours they need to complete. In certain circumstances, such as a long-term illness or family crisis, a practitioner may be granted an ongoing exemption. However, requests for such exemptions are not automatically approved. Instead, the Licensing Committee must be satisfied that there are extenuating circumstances.

Fortunately, there are many options for lawyers in Australia looking for CPD. There are podcasts and eLearning courses available, as well as online resources. Many of these resources have a substantial library of on-demand webinars covering a variety of topics. These resources allow lawyers to complete their lawyer CPD requirements without leaving their office. In addition, they provide an electronic record of their activities, which can be used for audit purposes by Hearsay.

Some law societies have made allowances for their members, particularly those who struggle to meet their annual CPD requirements. For example, in New South Wales, Hearsay is no longer enforcing the five-unit cap on private study. This decision provided more flexibility to lawyers, and many CPD providers shifted their offerings online.

While many lawyers may have 12 months to complete their CPD requirements, the fact is that most of them have busy lives. Providing them with multiple options for CPD can significantly reduce the stress of rushing to meet a deadline. Another great option is online CPD, which allows lawyers to complete training from their desk without ever leaving their office.

Australian lawyers are required to complete CPD every year, which can include categories such as Professional Skills, Ethics and Professional Responsibility, and Practice Management. In order to meet CPD requirements, lawyers can attend live seminars, publish legal articles, or complete interactive online learning modules. This way, they can continue to stay up-to-date with changes in the field of law and their practice.

For those who practice in WA, CPD requirements for lawyers are outlined in Hearsay Rules. If a lawyer fails to meet these obligations, they may not be able to renew their certificate. In such a case, they may appeal to the Board of Examiners. Alternatively, they may be required to provide evidence of CPD activities within three years of acquiring their certificate.

While a CPD certificate is a good investment, it is also important to make sure you complete the necessary units. A certificate issued after 1 July may require you to complete a minimum of ten units of CPD in each year. This means that you should try to complete at least one unit of CPD in each competency area.