Bad user interface (UI) elements are no laughing matter, especially if they have the power to slowly erode your website’s usability—and ultimately, its traffic. While they might be good sources of amusement at first glance, take a closer look and you’ll see just how much damage some of these UI elements can cause over time and with continued use. Here are seven examples that should have you checking your own site to make sure it doesn’t suffer from the same fate


1) No Clear Call to Action


If your website visitors can't figure out what you want them to do, they're likely to leave without taking any action. Make sure your call to action is clear, specific, and easy to find.


2) Too Many Choices


Websites with too many choices can be overwhelming for users and can lead to decision paralysis. When creating a website, it's important to carefully consider the number of options you offer users. Too many choices can result in a cluttered, confusing interface that will drive users away.


3) Empty Space


  1. Users don't like to feel lost on a website. Make sure your site has a clear hierarchy and that users can easily find what they're looking for.
  2. Too much text can be overwhelming for users. Break up your text with headlines, subheadings, and images to make it more digestible.
  3. Autoplaying videos or music can be incredibly annoying for users and will likely make them leave your site immediately.


4) Big Blocks of Text


Nobody likes big blocks of text. They're intimidating, difficult to read, and make it easy to lose your place. If your website has large chunks of text, you're likely turning away potential readers.


5) Grammatical Errors


  1. Typos and grammatical errors can make your website look unprofessional and can cost you credibility with potential customers.
  2. Small errors can also add up to create a feeling of overall sloppiness.
  3. Visitors may not stick around if they feel that your site is amateurish or rushed.
  4. first impressions matter, and you want your website to make a good one.
  5. Proofread your content carefully before publishing, or hire someone to do it for you.


6) Unnecessary Popups


We've all been there: you're browsing a website, minding your own business, when all of a sudden a popup appears out of nowhere. Maybe it's an offer for a discount or a signup form for a newsletter. Whatever it is, it's intrusive and annoying, and it can ruin the entire user experience.


7) Dead Links


One of the worst things you can have on your website are dead links. Not only are they frustrating for users, but they also make your site look unprofessional and out-of-date. If you have any dead links on your site, get rid of them as soon as possible!




If your website is guilty of any of the above offenses, it might be time to consider hiring a UI/UX design company in India. A good UI/UX design company which alsp specializes in website designing will help you create a website that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also easy to use and navigate.