It's time to contact us to schedule your vehicle's spring air conditioner maintenance. When summer arrives, you don't want to be without a working air conditioner. We will evaluate the AC system to ensure that everything is in working order so you can rely on it during the summer. Some of the services included in ourCar Air Conditioning Service Milton Keynes check are below:

Compressor Evaluation:

Because of the long summer, we use the air conditioners in our cars more than folks in other parts of the country. This extends the life of our compressors. This component of the air conditioning system is in charge of compressing and circulating the refrigerant. It works best when used continuously. We'll put the compressor through its paces to ensure it's running well.

Examine the Condenser:

We will also check for damage to the condenser positioned just behind the grille. This is the best site for air intake to cool the refrigerant. However, this boosts the chances of damage by road debris. We will properly examine the condenser to ensure it is not blocked or damaged. If there is damage and needs replacement, we will do so.

Examine the Condenser Fan:

A fan is also used in the condenser to cool the refrigerant. It also maintains air flow via the grille. Every time you switch on the car's air conditioner, we will inspect the fan to ensure it is operational. We will also evaluate the fan for road debris damage. If there is an issue with the condenser fan, we will replace it. As a result, you may enjoy cool refrigeration all summer long.

Examine the Electrical System:

We will also extensively check the electrical system. Your car's air conditioner relies on the electrical system to create electricity. Without it, it cannot function when you turn it on. After all, there might be issues such as blown fuses or frayed wires.

Examine the Refrigerant Level:

Finally, we will inspect the refrigerant to ensure that there is enough in the AC system. The refrigerant used in your air conditioner comes in two forms: gas and liquid. The refrigerant in the system may evaporate or leak. Naturally, this results in lower refrigerant levels. We will add refrigerant to your air conditioning system if it needs it.

We are ready to examine the air conditioning system in your car, truck, or utility vehicle. 

Now is the time to have your vehicle's air conditioner examined to ensure that it is in good working order. You don't want hot air rushing through the vents when you turn it on for the first time this year. We specialize in automobile air conditioning maintenance and repair. We will look for the standard air conditioning problems listed below.

Condenser Damage/clog:

The AC condenser is in charge of moving the refrigerant throughout the system. This keeps the air coming through the vents cool, refreshing, and dehumidifying. Because of its placement within the engine, the condenser frequently has issues. The condenser's location is in front of the engine and is vulnerable to road debris and soil blockage.

Refrigerant Evaporation:

Evaporation naturally reduces refrigerant levels in your car's air conditioning system. This evaporation takes place over time. As a result, having the air conditioner serviced every spring is an excellent idea. There is a potential for refrigerants to leak out of the system in older vehicles. We will examine the refrigerant levels as well as the refrigerant's overall health.

Cooling Fan Problems:

Cooling fans do more than push air through the vents and into the interior of your car. They also circulate the refrigerant to keep it cold. If any of these fans fail, there may be no air flowing into your cabin. Worse, heated air might be flowing through the vents. This is not exactly refreshing amid a hot and humid summer.

Fuse/Electrical Issues:

A blown fuse is one of the factors that might be causing the fans to fail. Other electrical issues might wreak havoc on your vehicle's air conditioning system. This may cause it to malfunction or stop working entirely. Your car has a complex electrical system that handles all automated features. If it has a problem, it may impair the effectiveness of your air conditioner.

Compressor Problems:

Finally, the compressor cools the refrigerant, letting chilly air fill your car cabin. The compressor will perform better if activated for at least 15 minutes every month. Much like your heart, the better the workout, the healthier it will remain. If your A/C is faulty, it is possible that the compressor has failed and needs replacement.

Look no further and make an appointment for an A/C inspection before summer arrives. You can additionally contact us for Tyres Milton Keynes.