Human papillomavirus is a kind of enterprise belonging to the family of papillomaviridae that carries out the virus genus A. It is a spherical DNA virus that can cause the proliferation of squamous epithelial cells in the mucous membrane of our healthy human skin tissue. The manifestation is different common warts, genital warts (condyloma acuminata) and other symptoms. hpv是什麼As the incidence of STDs with condyloma acuminatum continues to rise sharply and cervical and anal cancers increase, human papillomavirus (hpv) infection students increasingly need to draw the attention of people in society.

A preliminary compilation of the list of carcinogens published by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer was conducted on October 27, 2017. Human papillomavirus types 6 and 11, human papillomavirus β (except types 5 and 8), and penumbra are three carcinogens.

Human papillomavirus is an epithelial-like virus. It is widely distributed in humans and animals and has a high host specificity. Only humans can be infected by HPV. It is known that hpv can cause benign tumors and warts in humans, commonly human warts, genital warts, and papillomas that grow on the skin and mucous membranes near the genitals. The relationship between hpv infection and cervical cancer has been a popular topic of research since Zurhansen suggested in 1976 that hpv might be a sexually transmitted carcinogen. Sui six hundred and ten years, the famous physician Zhao Yuanfang wrote in the book "gallbladder tumors and other diseases and all the symptoms of warts eye": "warts eye, hands and feet edge like beans, or like tendons, or five to ten even muscle, thicker than the meat, so called warts eye." This article describes the favored sites and skin lesions of warty eyes (common warts).

In 1907, papilloma virus was found to be the causative agent of cutaneous warts.

The first study conducted by Shope in sheep-tailed rabbits in 1933 revealed a papillomavirus (cottontialrabbitpapillomavirus, CRPV), followed by the successive discovery of human papillomaviruses in a variety of different animals in humans and society in China.

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