If you are a parent with a young child that is a part of the pre-teen set, you have probably heard of the battling tops from the Japanese anime series Beyblade: Metal Fusion. You might even have some of these Beyblades in your home right now. It is a game that is fun for the pre-teen set to play with their friends.

Beyblade Metal Fusion

According to the website https://beystation.com/collections/metal-fusion-beyblades, the Beyblade Metal Fusion is a newer series of Japanese manga series that was written and illustrated by Takao Aoki. It is a series of anime cartoons where a group of kids group together as a team and battle other teams using spinning tops. These spinning tops are believed to be enchanted with magical spirits.


Metal Fusion was created with a new cast of characters that are different from the originals. The protagonist in the series is a young boy called Gingka who travels around his country looking for strong Beyblades to join his group and prepare for battle. There are different ways that your child can play this game either alone or with friends, like in the cartoon series.

Metal Spinning Tops

There is a line of metal spinning tops that can be purchased along with a battle arena. There are also online games where your child can battle others online. Wii and Nintendo DS versions of the game are also available. And, more recently, Beyblade has its own Facebook page where your child can communicate by sharing tips and tricks about the game with other children.


Because these tops are made with metal outer casings, safety is an issue of main concern for parents. The manufacturers of the Beyblade Metal Fusion series have safety warnings written directly on the packaging for each of their products as well as outlined in their game-playing instructions sheets.


The design of the Beyblade is not known to seriously injure children, but it can be very painful for them if they were to reach in and grab a top while it is still spinning. The manufacturers even recommend for parents that they have their children wear eye protection while the Beyblade tops are in play. Also, as with anything where some assembly is required, you need to make sure that the pieces are put together properly.