I. Choose the form of the company.


Ordinary limited liability company, the minimum registered capital of 30,000 yuan, requires 2 (or more) shareholders, from January 2006 the new company law, allows a shareholder to register a limited liability company, this special limited liability company is also known as "one person limited company" (but the company name will not have " The minimum registered capital is 100,000 yuan. If you and friends, family partnership investment business, you can choose the ordinary limited company, the minimum registered capital of 30,000 yuan; if only you as a shareholder, choose a limited company, the minimum registered capital of 100,000 yuan.

Second, the steps to register a company.

1、Name verification. To the Trade and Industry Bureau to get a 海外公司註冊"business (name) name pre-approval application form", fill in the name of the company you are ready to take, by the Trade and Industry Bureau online (Trade and Industry Bureau intranet) to retrieve whether there is a rename, if there is no rename, you can use the name, will be issued a "business (name) name Pre-approval notice". The fee for this step is 30 RMB. (30 yuan can help you retrieve 5 names, many names repeat, so the general common name will not have to try, so as not to spend money in vain)

2, rent a room. Go to a special office building to rent an office, if you have your own plant or office can also be, some places do not allow offices in residential buildings. After renting a room to sign a rental contract, and let the landlord provide a copy of the real estate license.? After signing the rental contract, but also to the tax office to buy stamp duty, at a rate of one thousandth of the annual rent to buy, for example, your annual rent is 10,000 yuan, it is necessary to buy 10 yuan of stamp duty, posted on the first page of the rent contract, where the need to use the rent contract, are required to be a copy of the contract posted stamp duty.

3、Prepare the "Articles of Association". You can download the sample of "Articles of Association" from the website of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and modify it. The articles of association will be signed by all shareholders at the end.

4, carve a private seal: go to the street to carve a private seal, give them to carve a private seal of the legal person (square). The cost is about 20 yuan.

5、Obtain a "bank letter of inquiry" from the accounting firm. Contact an accounting firm and get a "bank letter of inquiry" (must be the original, the accounting firm stamped fresh). If you are not sure, you can look at the classified ads in the newspaper, there are many ads for accounting firms.

6, go to the bank to open a company capital verification account. All shareholders take their part of the money to the bank, bring the articles of association, the notice of verification issued by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, the personal seal of the legal representative, ID card, the money used for capital verification, blank letter of inquiry form, to the bank to open a company account, you have to tell the bank is to open a capital verification account. After the company account is opened, each shareholder will deposit the appropriate amount of money into the company account according to their capital contribution. The bank will send each shareholder a payment slip and stamp the bank's seal on the letter of inquiry.

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Certains des processus liés à la création d'une entreprise à l'étranger

