Many still consider miscarriage a taboo topic. And because people don’t talk about it enough, there are a lot of misconceptions about it. The following are just some of the myths and misconceptions about Miscarriage in North Vancouver, BC:

Myth #1: It’s rare

Because it is not often talked about, many people think that it doesn’t happen as frequently as it does. According to studies 10 out of 15% of pregnancies often lead to miscarriage in North Vancouver, making it a very common occurrence. In fact, some women might even go through a miscarriage without realizing it or without knowing that they are pregnant in the first place.

Myth #2: It’s something avoidable

Many women go through miscarriage in North Vancouver thinking that it is somehow their fault because it happened and that if they only did something, they could have avoided it. Miscarriage can happen for a lot of reasons. Genetic issues can prevent the fetus from developing, hence leading to a miscarriage.

Myth #3: If you had a miscarriage, it means you did not take care of yourself

Women are often blamed when they get a miscarriage. There will be people who will tell you it’s because you did not take care of yourself. But it’s important to know that a miscarriage can happen even when you are getting the best care.

There are a lot of factors involved such as the condition of the mother as well as pre-existing health issues. If you have preexisting health issues such as diabetes, there is a higher risk of a miscarriage.

Myth #4: If you have vaginal bleeding, it means you have miscarried

Vaginal bleeding can be a sign of a miscarriage but having one doesn’t automatically mean you have miscarried. However, if you experience this, it’s important to go to your doctor immediately. You could be prescribed with medications and encouraged to rest more.

Myth #5: You can’t easily get pregnant again after miscarriage

Many people think that their fertility is affected after a miscarriage. There are a lot of factors that affect fertility but having a miscarriage does not automatically lead to difficulty in getting pregnant again. Many women have no issues getting pregnant again after going through this. However, it’s also important to give your body enough time to recover. A miscarriage is still a pregnancy so it’s important that your body goes through a recovery process.

Recovering from a miscarriage should be a holistic approach. You should be more mindful of your mental and physical health. Pursue natural methods to heal properly. With the help of the naturopathic methods that you can get from Edgemont Naturopathic Clinic, you can be on your way to healing your body after a miscarriage.

Joe Richardson is the author of this article. To know more about Naturopathic Medicine in North vancouver please visit our website: