• What are your weaknesses?
  • What are your strengths?
  • Introduce yourself

These are some of the cliché questions that most interviewers used to ask. However, companies have changed and modernised their recruitment process. 

Now, more technical and analytical questions are asked in most of the interview experiences including the TCS interview experience.

When you are searching for the right candidate for your team, you need to be creative. Therefore, these cliché questions are not going to work for you.

Now the question arises: what questions should you ask the candidate? 

If you are wondering the same thing, we have got a list of 16 questions that you can ask to choose the best candidate for your team.

These questions are curated based on the recent Oracle interview experience and many other firms.


Top Questions To Ask Candidates


What’s better: being perfect or late or being good and on time?

Most candidates will answer: It depends. Well, in that case, you need to hear what the candidate has to say. Usually, an ideal answer to this question will be: Good and on time. A company needs to understand that there is always a scope for improvement but some things should be left if they are good enough.


At what time did you set difficult goals?

This question is perfect when you are looking for a Goal-oriented candidate. The ideal candidate will answer appropriately what they understand by difficult goals. You can then analyze how well they can manage and set their goals.


What professional experience would you not want to repeat?

Everyone in life has such experiences in life which they didn’t enjoy and will never want to experience again. For this question, the right candidate will answer in many ways.  However, with every answer, you need to listen to the candidate and understand what they have to say.


Tell me about your relationships with your ex-colleagues?

If you are looking for a candidate who is well-liked by your team, this question is worth asking. This will help you get a better idea of how the candidate interacts with his colleagues and what kind of interactions you can expect. An ideal candidate will focus more on how the employee benefited the whole team and won’t only focus on their relations.


Which single project do you consider your biggest accomplishment?

This question will help you know how well the candidate owns up to their projects and how confident they are about them. An ideal candidate will answer with a precise project and stick to it only.


Tell us an incident when you screwed up.

This question will help you understand the mindset of the candidate. In an ideal answer, you will have to look for two things: it should be a genuine mistake and what they have learned from it.


Who’s the smartest person you know?

It will help you test what your candidate aspires to be in life. However, these questions may not have an exact answer. All you can observe is the qualities they wish to acquire in life.


Can you explain to me something which seems complicated to me but you are well aware of it?

This question is all about checking the presence of the mind of the candidate. An ideal candidate will understand that this is not specifically work-related. This can be anything. They may explain to you about their hobbies or even something technical.


What is the one thing that you would do daily for the rest of your career?

You need to understand that the candidate you are hiring is happy with their job. With this question, you can observe how happy the employee is with the job. However, there is no such ideal answer to this question but you can expect something related to a particular responsibility that you are giving to them.


If you were given $40, 000, which business will you start?

This question will help you understand the core interest of the candidate. An ideal candidate would explain to you the main idea behind their business and its logistics.


Pitch the company to me as if I am buying any of your products and services?

With this question, you can analyze how well the candidate knows your company and the products or services you offer. An ideal candidate would explain to you exactly what you want to hear about the ideology, products, and services of your company.


Do you want to ask any questions?

Usually, this is the last question that an interviewer asks. This is also a common question that most candidates experience in their Oracle interview experience as well. This will help you analyze how attentive the candidate was in the interview and how much they are interested in the job.


What was surprising about the interview?

Most candidates are not prepared for this question. This will give you an idea of what the candidate feels about the whole interview. An ideal candidate may talk about the team personality or office space.


If I were to ask everyone you've ever worked with, how many people will not be your fan?

There is no doubt that you do not want the candidate to be unlikeable. Therefore, asking such questions is important. Make sure that you also ask follow-up questions to know why they have alienated these people.


What was the last biggest decision you've made?

This question will help you understand what approach a candidate follows when it comes to taking decisions. Also, observe if that was a big decision.


How do you define hard work?

A candidate must understand the difference between hard work and smart work. An ideal candidate will explain to you the right meaning of hard work which surely is not unproductive. The candidate should know how the problems can be resolved.



So, these were some questions that you must ask your next candidate. If you are going for an interview with TCS, don’t be surprised if you encounter the above-mentioned questions in your next TCS interview experience or with any other company.

These questions will help an employer to understand more about the candidate’s personality and goals in life.