1. Credit loans.

The so-called credit, is that you must have a good credit history, no good credit history, even if you have a house and BMW are useless, so please cherish your credit history.


The characteristic of credit loans is that they are unsecured and unsecured. So if you want a loan with low interest, ask yourself if you have any property, or other collateral, if not, please don't mind the high interest.

3. Low amount.

Credit credit, the amount of the loan is generally not large,最低還款額信貸評級 if you need a large amount of loan, please provide collateral.

In general, the larger the collateral, the more the loan amount, if you do not meet the conditions, please do not think the amount is low.

4, the formalities are troublesome.

If you think the formalities are troublesome, either you really haven't taken out a loan before and don't understand the formalities of the loan, or you are pretending to be confused.

We all know that the procedures and information of other bank loans are several times more than ours.

5、Fraudulent loans.

If you think that you can cheat us out of a loan, you are wrong. Many news reports, someone owes $10,000 to a credit card and runs away.

Five years later, the credit card sued the customer, and in the end the customer not only paid back more than 100,000 yuan in interest and late fees, but also went to jail as usual.

Why didn't the credit card sue when they owed $10,000? This inside the fishy and reason you know, as the saying goes, out of the mix, sooner or later is to return.

6, attitude to cooperate with.

If you decide to prepare the application information, then congratulations! I am a professional practitioner, please be sure to cooperate with my work.

Is your help me to help you solve the financing problem, not I begged you. You do not come to the loan, I lost only a customer, and you lose the source of funds, which is more important, you weigh yourself.


Please do not take your non-professional IQ, challenge my professional IQ, I am eating on professional knowledge, do not make some fake information to confuse the approval staff, the approval staff is not a diner.

Since you want the money, the rules of cooperation, happy to get the money, do not whole those useless, so as not to waste everyone's time, and in the end the loss is not worth it.

8, overdue.

The first has been said, cherish the credit history, if you are the last loan in this life, then I can not help.

After the overdue, I directly to your information, handed over to a third party, let them go and communicate with you.

9. Credit records.

Credit records, directly connected to the People's Bank of China's internal system, is now "T 0", today overdue, the same day on the credit card.

If there is a current overdue, you can not get a loan anywhere, if more than 3 times in a row, or the principal overdue, then you will be on the credit blacklist.

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