What to do when you lose a teeth?

The first thing to do with any dental problem is to see a specialist. It is also a good idea to do this as early as possible. Underestimating any changes in the mouth can lead to longer treatment and higher costs.  A dental specialist will offer the best course of treatment, even if it involves the possible extraction and replacement of missing teeth. Extraction, i.e. removal of the tooth, is a last resort, but even this does not affect a beautiful smile.  

What are the methods for replacing missing teeth?

Most commonly, an implant is placed in place of an extracted root, which is an artificial root, usually made of titanium, over which a crown of artificial teeth is placed. In the past, the entire crown was made of metal, but this has now been replaced by ceramics and the outer shell is made of a white plastic that imitates the tooth. 

Another solution is the placement of so-called bridges. Here, unlike crowns, the restoration is attached to a healthy tooth or crown. This is a good solution if the problems in the mouth are not too extensive and the gums are healthy. Similar to road bridges, in prosthodontics a distinction can be made between pillars and bays. 

Pillars are crowns placed on the natural teeth adjacent to the cavity, while bays are one or more restored teeth. The choice between crowns and dentures depends on the individual case.The dentist decides on the treatment method on a case-by-case basis. He bases it on factors such as the number of missing teeth, the manner of their loss, the health of the remaining teeth and even the age of the patient. 

Most often, implants are a better option for living teeth, while bridges are for those that are mortified. In terms of appearance, there is no difference between an artificial tooth and a real one. Thanks to modern developments, there is no difference in the colour of natural teeth and restorations. In principle, an implant is the better solution, but the price is definitely higher than with bridges.

Unfortunately, implants and bridges are not for everyone. In the past, there were many contraindications to the use of implants; today, the only obstacles to this path may be severe, chronic local or general illnesses and pregnancy, for which tests such as X-rays can have a detrimental effect.

People who have healthy teeth but are unhappy with their appearance can have veneers, which are thin porcelain shells permanently applied to the front side of the tooth. This method is for those who have a problem with discolouration or who want to even out the shape of their teeth. 

In addition, veneers offer the opportunity to close gaps between teeth. Persons with discolouration may also make use of modern methods of tooth whitening, e.g. the overlay method. The effect of such treatment is visible after just a few days.