The two largest gaming regions in the world, North America and the Asia Pacific will estimate to account for 78 percent of global revenues. In 2016, $19.9 billion had generated for massively multiplayer online gaming, which could play hundreds or thousands of players at the same time. Although all signs point to online gaming and casinos being profitable, many traditional financial institutions would not take the risk. 

The industry has a history of high chargeback ratios and potential legal issues as a result of complicated laws that keep banks away from these merchants.

To accept credit card payments effectively and efficiently, businesses must work with PayCly to obtain a casino and online gaming merchant account

We specialize in high-risk merchant accounts for social gaming and online casinos, among other things. Apply online now to begin the process. PayCly will set up chargeback management tools as well as a payment gateway with fraud filters once approved (within 24 hours).