If you want to know what produce is in season, you are coming to the right place. This blog will help you find the freshest and best deals from your grocery store.

First, take a trip to the salad bar or produce section of your Local grocery stores in Vancouver. Which fruits and vegetables are the freshest? Are they on sale? Do they look packaged? Those are questions that you should keep in mind when shopping.

What comes under fresh produce?

Fruit is considered fresh produce. Fresh fruits that are in season around the world are apples, apricots, and avocados. Bananas, mangoes, strawberries, pineapples, and oranges are some popular fruits available at grocery stores in Vancouver.

Vegetables are also fresh produce. You can buy fresh vegetables during their growing seasons. Fresh vegetables include artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, and carrots. Cauliflower florets, spinach, leafy greens, celery root/celeriac (celery), and eggplant are other fresh vegetables available.

How to select great produce at grocery stores Vancouver?

Fresh is always the best, but sometimes it's hard to tell which produce is fresh, or even if it was recently picked. Here are a few tips to help you with your produce purchases!

1) Feel: Just like with most foods, there is no better sign of freshness than to feel the texture of the fruit or vegetable. If you have to squeeze it, it isn't as fresh as it could be.

2) Look: The colour of the produce should be vibrant, and the leaves should look crisp. Fresh produce should also be in its original packaging.

3) Smell: Fresh herbs smell like a wonderful bouquet of flowers. If the herbs don't smell like this, they may have been exposed to hot temperatures or sunlight.

4) Taste: As with most fresh foods, the taste of fresh produce is going to be a bit more "different". If you enjoy a sweeter taste in your vegetables, you will get to experience an unusual flavour in what would normally be considered a "standard" taste.

5) Texture: The texture of the produce should also be very different. Fresh produce will be crisp, while packaged produce is often squishy.

6) Size: The size of the fruit or vegetable is also a good indicator. Go for moderate sizes rather than very small or very large fruits.

7) Packaging: It is sometimes possible to tell if the produce has been on the shelf for a while by looking at the packaging.

To sum it up succinctly

Sourcing fresh produce from your local grocery store can be a challenge sometimes. Hopefully, this post was able to help. With these tips, it becomes easy to pick good quality products from grocery stores and rustle up a great dish for your loved ones or friends.

Mike Weber is the author of this article. To know more about Meat & Seafood in Vancouver please visit our website: famousfoods.ca