Every person has dreamt of having a treehouse at some point in their lives, some were lucky enough to have one, and some still haven’t lost this desire even if they are grown-ups. So, what is so fascinating about having a dream house in the trees? Harmony, breath-taking views, wilderness, and most importantly, no rules! From little uneven constructions to the most magnificent mansions, every treehouse is beautiful and perfect in its own way. If you never had a chance to build your treehouse doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the feeling of being up in the trees. Adult treehouses are popping up everywhere, from massive getaway cabins to quaint treetop cottages.
If you want some jaw-dropping inspo to build your adult-sized treehouse, we have curated some of the most exceptional treehouse interior ideas that you can check out for a treehouse building plan. Scroll down to have a look!

A Picturesque View

Oceanfront views are indeed beautiful, but nothing compares to looking out from bed and seeing endless foliage without ever stepping outside, you can truly enjoy the whole view from the comfort of your bed with iconic lights. To make the whole vibe even better, incorporate cool-toned neutral colours to make your treehouse look cozy. The nature-inspired textures within the space are also a great way to add earthy tones to it.

Abundance of Windows 

Windows can make any house intriguing and unique! So, if you have a special love for windows, incorporate them in your treehouse. Go big on the windows; that would genuinely allow it to become one with natural. It will also allow you to feel like you are right outside, even when you are cosied up inside. It will feel as if the mighty tree outside the house is holding you in its branches, that’s the dream, isn’t it?

A Treehouse Cabin in the Woods 

Build a treehouse-like cabin in the woods; it would be your home away from home. It’s just large enough to hold a few overnight guests but quaint enough to feel wonderfully cozy. You can make it look unique, and it will stand apart with few changes. Add up little details like the café lights around the deck and the tree that comes up through the balcony make this treehouse the perfect tiny house.

Two Treehouses 

What's better than a treehouse? Two treehouses! Yes! Connect the two treehouses and make the perfect escape for you and your other half. You know how two adults who need a den but can't agree on anything? Well, there you have it; here's your perfect backyard solution. You can decorate the interior any way you like or cater to your preferences; it is a win-win for everyone!

A Stunning Two-Level Treehouse 

All we need in life is the picturesque dual-story treehouse; it feels and looks like something out of a picture book. Though it may be a little too massive for your standard backyard hideout, it is a stunning inspiration for your next getaway. Why stay in a hotel when you can spend the night with the birds, and gaze upon stars to absorb all the peace within your soul.

A Glass Cabin

This one will give you all the vacation vibes as if you are staying at a luxurious hotel. You can build this treehouse to get a little R&R. Add the swinging hammock chairs outside to the wide-open glass wall; this is the perfect spot to get away from the hustle and bustle and to soak in nature value; if you don’t have the budget to build such a lavish treehouse, comfortable seating area can help create the ideal outdoor room. And, it still allows you to bring your interior tastes out into the forest.

Make A Home Office 

Since everybody considers working from home nowadays, why not consider adding a home office to your home. Set up a serene workspace in the trees. As long as your work doesn’t require a lot of equipment, an adult-friendly treehouse is a perfect spot to escape and write your next writing piece or whip out business emails without any interruptions, except for maybe the birds might chime in here and there. Keep the treehouse simple or deck it out in décor that mimics and compliments the nature surrounding you.

A Maze Through Your Treehouse 

Want to make the treehouse a bit exciting? Well, the most thrilling thing about the maze through the treehouse is the winding pathways that allow you to weave through the forest on your way to the treehouse. The large windows are also a nice touch for letting sunlight pour in after a refreshing night in trees. This treehouse would be a perfect amalgamation of nature and fun, you can truly enjoy your life to the fullest in this treehouse. So, quit thinking and start building your dream treehouse and live your childhood desires at topvoucherscode.