Medical practice ownership and management are challenging tasks. You have the daily duty of identifying and treating patients who are ill, managing your team, and making choices that can help your financial future.

There isn't much time left in the day when daily activities like spending time with friends and family or doing errands are added in. Still, you must allocate time for crucial administrative tasks like practice administration and medical billing.

You run the danger of disgruntled customers, unpaid bills, and a negative cash flow if you don't have an effective, well-defined plan to manage these procedures. Even while it's impossible to completely avoid these and other problems, you can greatly reduce your risk by implementing high-quality electronic health records (EHR), medical coding, and healthcare credentialing services.

Our compassionate, experienced team has helped hospitals, office-based physician practices, and medical billers with their daily needs for more than 40 years. We supply many software kinds that offer scalable solutions in order to achieve this. Regardless of the size of your business, we are certain that we have the resources you need to be successful. Let's look more closely.

Electronic Health Records

Medical professionals used to keep their patients' records in manila folders in the past. This made planning simple but also came with inherent concerns, such as the disclosure of sensitive data. With the use of electronic health record (EHR) software, you can gather and keep track of all your patients' medical data from a single dashboard.

Although there are other EHR platforms available, ours is one of only few that offers fully customized templates. This implies that you can examine and access all of the patient records on a single screen.

Through an encrypted and protected patient portal, you may also check and update patient notes, send private messages, and email or text message your patients. Additionally, a number of national laboratories are integrated into our EHR system. This enables direct order sending and receiving through the EHR.

Our EHR also has the following advantages:
  • EPrescribing
  • Electronic invoices
  • Effortless custom snippets
  • Dashboards for meaningful use
  • Training and life-saving measures

Computers, laptops, and tablets can all execute the software. From the comfort of your home, the exam room, or the operating room, you can access patient information.

Service Organizational Control

You have access to an annual Service Organization Controls (SOC) report when you subscribe to our EHR software. An extensive audit that assesses the effectiveness of certain delivery services and procedures is known as a SOC report.

A SOC can also estimate the likelihood of a future audit. SOC reports come in three different varieties. You immediately receive an annual SOC audit when you register. This procedure demonstrates our dedication to providing the best caliber of service and guarantees the financial stability of your practice.

Health Care Billing Software

The revenue from medical billing is what keeps the doors and lights open. However, there won't be much time to think about this knowledge if you're frequently seeing patients or working on other daily activities. Our general practice billing application can be useful.

The practice management and scheduling system on our platform, it is completely configurable. Simply log in and complete the patient's insurance information, and, it can quickly assess eligibility. Co-pays and payment collection are made simple and hassle-free with this software's fully integrated merchant service solution. Billing, reporting, and submission of claims have never been simpler!

Revenue Cycle Administrator

How well do you understand the revenue cycle in your medical practice? Wouldn't it be convenient to track your weekly or monthly revenue and contrast it with previous years or months? To deliver thorough insights, our revenue cycle administrator, uses a reporting tool based on Google Maps.

It may provide financial information, year-over-year comparisons, and editable graphs with just a few mouse clicks. Utilize this knowledge to boost productivity and revenue at your clinic. Making decisions for your staff and the patients under your care is made simpler the more knowledge you have about revenue creation at your medical practice consulting.

Healthcare Analytics at Your Fingertips

We also offer a healthcare analytics solution. For every element of your profession, including:

  • Visits on a monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly basis
  • Peak times for the facility
  • Projections for payments
  • Visit projections
  • A complete payer mix

Although the sheer amount of information may appear frightening, it is for your benefit. Our in-house developed software collects insights about your practice as a whole and transforms that data into useful instructions. When you can distinguish between what works and what doesn't, you can make changes to your medical practice's financial operations.

The world as we know it has been altered by the COVID-19 epidemic. It's critical to have a clear understanding of how to best serve your patients and increase efficiency right now more than ever.