lable material types to be labeled, based on customer requirements and safety.

determine and label proper use and storage of product; check product labels before transporting to ensure correct content.
a fourth charge has been filed against the school district and three employees for felony charges of failing to report an incident of sexual misconduct.
The law does not grant any immunity from prosecution for the violations if the person filing the charge agrees to enter into a pre-trial diversion agreement.
Other Allegations
The former teacher’s aide involved in the sexual assault was not a part of the current investigation; the district says it has turned over the case to the attorney general.
Despite this, the school board member charged with making false statements in the complaint believes his decision to terminate the aide’s employment was not unlawful.
Board Member Anthony Borrelli responded to this case in a statement:
My opinion has not changed. I am convinced that the termination of this individual from his employment was the only appropriate action taken. My reason for my recommendation to termination is that I based my decision upon the training and education of this individual. I am confident that no willful or wanton misconduct was found