What is Fildena 150mg?

It is a very common fact that most of the women and male partners are not happy with their s*x life. They do not feel satisfied after having s*xual activity and the main reason why this happens is due to erectile dysfunction. Basically Fildena 100 is a problem where the man cannot get erect properly and cannot maintain the erection that he has. This means that men face problems with premature ejaculation and softer erections which almost 70% of men face.

The reason why this problem is so common is due to poor lifestyle, stress, depression, etc. But lately people have started looking for the solution to the problem they are facing. There are many ways for a person to get rid of these problems, but one of the easiest is to consume the PDE inhibitor class of drugs.
How does Fildena 150mg work?

To understand the fact that this drug works, a person needs to understand what is the main reason why erectile dysfunction occurs in a person's body. Whenever a person's body has some kind of problem like stress or depression, the effect can be easily felt in the heart due to the release of PDE in the body.

This PDE decreases the width of blood vessels to control blood flow. But over time, this PDE sticks to the veins that carry blood to the penis, causing long-term erectile dysfunction. But when you consume this Super Fildena , you will notice that the first task performed by this salt is to block the PDE of the lower abdomen region.

How to take Fildena 150mg?

Consuming Fildena 150 mg is very simple, but to make sure that you do not make any mistake, follow the points listed below:

    Take the medicine 30 minutes before having s*x.
    This is important to make sure that when you start having s*x, your p*nis is erected correctly.
    Do not take the drug by breaking it, chewing it in the alveolus.
    You have to swallow the medicine in its entirety for which you can take the help of water. Eight ounces of water will suffice.
    Take the medicine at a time that you and your doctor decide, as it tends to work better that way.

Side Effects of Fildena 150mg

Some side effects that occur very often when you take the drug are headache, nausea, and vomiting.

Along with this, you will experience dizziness, drowsiness, upset stomach, decreased appetite, etc.

Also, muscle aches are very common in people's lives after they start taking the medication.

But there are some problems that you should fix and report to your doctor if they occur.

These problems are increased heart rate, high blood pressure, prolonged and painful erections, chest pain, fainting or dizziness, pain or discomfort in the arms, jaw, back, or neck, and pounding in the ears.

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