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Today, it's very easy to hire a self-proclaimed immigration consultant who claims to be an expert in knowing every single thing about Canadian immigration. However, if you want to hire a reliable and professional immigration expert in Qatar, it is important for you to look out for the ICCRC Registered Immigration Consultants. The consultants that have been officially registered by the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) are considered as authorized representatives in Canada who can provide assistance in Canadian and international immigration matters.

Ethical and professional conduct.

● The ICCRC has a code of ethics that ensures all members are following the rules and regulations set by the government. This means if you work with someone who is not an ICCRC member, you could be putting yourself at risk for fraud or other legal issues.

● The ICCRC is a non-profit organization that works closely with the government to ensure that Certified Immigration Consultants are ethical, professional, and reliable individuals. As such, they have established certain standards for their members in order to maintain credibility as well as protect Canadian citizens from exploitation.

● The ICCRC is funded by the federal government; therefore it maintains impartiality when it comes to its members' business practices while also upholding high standards of professionalism and ethics within Canada's immigration industry at large.Provide complete information to the client.

It is important to have complete information from any of your Canada Immigration Consultants in Qatar. You should be aware of all your options and responsibilities when making decisions that affect your immigration status.

Your immigration consultant should also ensure that you understand the consequences of those decisions before proceeding with them. This will help you avoid taking any unnecessary risks or making ill-informed choices that could lead to negative outcomes later on down the road.

No misrepresentation of facts.

As a client, you need to know that your immigration consultant is telling the truth. This is important because misrepresentation of facts can lead to serious consequences. For example, if you provide false information or documents it could be illegal and you may face legal action. If your consultants misleads then they could lose their reputation or even their business!

It's important to only work with ICCRC registeredImmigration Consultants who are honest and upfront about what they do and what they don't do.

Maintaining the confidentiality of the clients.

The client's privacy is crucial to the success of any immigration application. This is a sensitive subject and it cannot be stated enough: the consultant must maintain your client's confidentiality at all times.

In conclusion, it is very important for you to only hire ICCRC registered Immigration consultant and can satisfy all the criteria mentioned above. Apart from this, there might be some other factors as well on which you have to pay attention if you really want to get your job done.