SSC exam will not be a nightmare if you plan and prepare in advance. Aspirants must be aware of the don’ts of the SSC exam before starting the preparation.  Keep reading to know more!


Not Following A Study Strategy

Candidates often lose track of studies, without a perfect study strategy. Speaking of the SSC exam, the topics are pretty wide. The aspirants are advised to understand the syllabus before crafting a timetable. Stress the study schedule, to score well in the exam. Dedication, perseverance, and patience, will help the candidates pass the exam with flying colours. 


Don’t begin the preparation without framing a study plan. Go through all the segments well. Avoid studying for more than 2 hours a day. The last-minute rush can be escaped, if you correctly follow the study plan. Also, check the official website for any recent updates.


Ignoring The Right Study Sources

Never choose multiple sources to study from. The candidates often mess the concepts up by studying from different resources, at a time. Do your homework and research the best authors. Prefer easy-to-follow books, instead of complicated ones. You will get better clarity of the topics and can easily solve the questions if you choose a single book or guide. 


Don’t lay down the quality of the books purchased. The success of the aspirants mainly depends on the quality of study sources. Also, solve the past year’s question papers. You can identify the frequent topics and prioritise those sections if done so. Enrol in the best bank coaching centres in the city to boost your preparation. 


Not Taking Mock Tests

The candidates must test their skills by taking plenty of mock exams. Analyse the mock test results and work hard to improve the weak sections. 


Surf the internet and check out the websites offering free online mock tests. Quickly get access to them and start solving as many tests as you can, to enhance your performance. There is no better way to boost your speed, efficiency, accuracy, and time-management skills. Aspirants who often lag behind, are the ones who ignore mock tests. Keep practising to find a place in the Sun. you can aslo take help from reputed coaching centers to guide you.


Last-Minute Cramming 

Don’t try to mug up new concepts at the last moment. Candidates who are seen boning up, often lose an edge over the others. Try to comprehend the subjects instead of cramming. Avoid introducing new topics in the final week. This may lead to a big confusion. Rote learning will do no good.


Stick to a systematic study approach to excel in the SSC exam. Set some time for revision every day. This will help the candidates retain the information for quite a long time. Don’t start a fresh topic before going through the previous day's portions. 


Stressing Too Much

Many candidates lose their calm while preparing for the exam. Learn to balance your lifestyle. Be strong and face the ups and downs. Stressing yourself will only bring down your confidence. Good food, exercise, mediation and sleep, will keep your mind fresh always. Ensure that nothing disturbs your sleep cycle, otherwise all the preparation will go down the drain.