How often do you go to the Shopping Centre in Adelaide? When you visit, do you follow your list to the core or buy whatever seems good? Studies show that approximately 50% of shoppers visit the shopping mall 3 to 4 times per week and buy about 54% more than needed. To save money and effort, smart shoppers visit the shopping Centre once a month. It can also save money on car parking Adelaide CBD charges as frequent visits will add car parking charges cumulatively. Many might feel this move is extreme, but all it takes is thoughtful planning, efficient shopping, & some storage space. 

Why do you need multiple shopping trips per month when you can buy everything you need in just one visit? If you plan and visit the shopping mall once a month, your savings will astound you at the end of the year. Let's look at six tips to master shopping centres in Adelaide savings and prevent overpaying. 

6 Tips to save money while visiting the Shopping Centre in Adelaide

1. Pay close attention at checkout. 

Everyone makes mistakes, including computers, which are accurate 99% of the time. Hence, make sure that you check the screen when the sales executive is creating a bill for your purchases. Items can be incorrectly marked, or the sale price is higher than what should be charged. A $5 save can get you a cup of coffee or a muffin, so it is worth taking a quick scan at the checkout after shopping before heading into car parking in Adelaide CBD

2. Don't carry around a shopping basket. 

Yes, it's very annoying to carry around clothes in one hand and search through racks with the other, but it's proven that carrying a shopping basket or basket will invariably create an urge to buy more. So, to prevent multiple impulse purchases, avoid the shopping bag and stick to the list of things you need.

3. Make use of your favourite store's rewards system. 

Point systems are an effective way to earn cash back from your purchases. For every item you buy at a shopping centre in Adelaide, points will get cumulatively added until you get discounts and gift cards to apply to a future purchase.

4. Catch up on your social media while you're waiting in line. 

Most checkout counter lines are filled with towers of sale jewellery, cost-effective socks, and other tiny items you'll add to your purchase at the last minute. These areas are designed specifically to create impulse buying. So, avoid these tantalizing tricks by running through your social media updates.

5. Purchase frequently used products in bulk. 

Some items become cheaper if you purchase them in bulk quantity, which can help you save money & stock your wardrobe for many months. But, avoid buying products that can perish in bulk or anything you don't frequently use so that no unnecessary money is wasted. Whenever the shop offers you a bulk deal, ensure you calculate the individual price and match it with a bulk price after the discount, so you don't end up overpaying the single unit price.

6. Go shopping alone

Most intelligent shoppers believe that going shopping alone can help you focus on shopping more efficiently without much distraction. If you have to bring a friend or your spouse, ensure they know your saving goals on shopping. Make them tackle items on the fringe of the store while you browse through the centre; don't allow them to sway you from your original shopping list! Also, not taking children to the mall can help save money as you know they are not great controlling impulses that force you to shop more than what is on the list.

Next time you plan for shopping, keep these six tips in mind and enter the shopping centre in Adelaide so that you can save money and buy items on a need basis. Happy shopping!