As the name suggests, Green Fiber Cellulose is a more environmentally- friendly choice for insulation materials. It is made with 85% recycled paper and 15% fire retardant like borate. It is reported to have better thermal and noise-canceling benefits as compared to other insulation materials.

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At Attic Solutions, we use the reputable brand GreenFiber-R to insulate your home and offices.


By insulating your attics and sidewalls with green cellulose insulation, one can reduce the energy costs by up to 25% while improving the comfort level of your home all year round.
Green Fiber Cellulose Insulation has better resistance to airflow than fiberglass, therefore, works more efficiently as insulation.
Green fiber cellulose insulation can reduce sound transfer when properly installed on walls and floors. Because of its density, cellulose provides better noise control.
Green Fiber Cellulose Insulation is statistically 50% better at resisting fire. It is denser and is further treated with fire-retardant additives which provide added fire protection for your home and office, giving you a few more seconds to escape in case of a mishap.
Attic Solutions Inc also offers another option, an alternative to spraying foam insulation, which is wet insulation in walls and wet insulation in the attic. This type of insulation is made up of recycled newspaper with a dry adhesive activated with water spray when it is being covered.



Green Cellulose Insulation