Have you ever taken a photo of someone and the background distracted from their face? We have, and it’s not fun! In fact, it can be downright annoying when you try to capture an image but the background gets in the way. That’s where clipping paths come in handy! With clipping paths, or clipping for short, you can cut out images from one background so that they appear on another. It’s not just for photos-you can use clipping paths with anything that has an outline!


How does it work?

Clipping paths are commonly used in photo editing to cut out backgrounds so that you can work with a transparent layer (the background) and manipulate or reposition it easily. With clipping paths, you can remove objects without having to select each line or shape manually. A clipping path is created by creating a path around what needs to be removed and then cutting along that path. This is referred to as masking.


Why use clipping paths in photo editing services

Although there are several ways you can remove backgrounds from images, clipping paths are generally easier and faster than some of their other counterparts. Plus, you don’t need to be a professional graphic designer or photographer in order to use them. When it comes down to it, clipping paths are probably one of your best options if you have a unique image that needs editing.


Top 10 photo editing tools you should know about

Photo editing tools come in all shapes and sizes—and feature sets. Which one you need depends on your project. Here are some of our favorite go-to photo editing tools, along with their best features

Related content:

10 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring a Clipping Path Service Provider

Can't Afford a Professional Photoshop Designer? Check Out These Affordable Freelance Options!

Clipping Paths and Photo Editing: Get the Perfect Images Every Time

Grouping Layers in Photoshop with a Clipping Mask


Before and After Examples of Real Projects

It’s one thing to read about clipping paths, and another entirely to see them in action. The benefit of seeing them in before and after form is that you can really gauge how effective they are at removing or cutting out backgrounds. It also helps illustrate what types of projects they might be used for. A real-world example lets you see if clipping paths are right for your project; furthermore, it shows whether a clipper did its job well or not.


Request A Quote Now!

Need to remove or change part of your image but don’t have advanced photo editing software or skills? A clipping path can be your best friend. Just upload your image, tell us what you want removed, and we’ll get to work. Once you’re satisfied with our work (and our reasonable rates), we'll deliver your new image fast! Click here for more information about our services and pricing.

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