Ballistic helmets, sometimes known as special forces helmets, are one of the most popular tactical equipment used by many military, police and law enforcement officers. These bulletproof helmets shield the officers from a variety of dangerous situations.

These helmets come in different levels and give protection up to a particular level. Many police officers and defense personnel use level IIIA bulletproof helmet to protect their heads against dangers such as shocks, bullets, physical impact, and blast debris. It is mainly worn in conjunction with additional tactical gear, such as a ballistic blanket and a military bulletproof vest, to provide complete protection and coverage to special forces and military personnel.

How effective are bulletproof helmets?

According to Science Direct, ballistic impacts are reduced by 19% by wearing bulletproof helmets. As a result, wearing a bulletproof helmet in a hazardous environment can prevent you from suffering a deadly head wound. They are available in a range of colors and styles and are utilized by numerous tactical forces. You can also customize the color according to your requirements.

Not only officers but also many civilians and guards also buy these helmets for various reasons. However, you must carefully select the appropriate type of ballistic helmet for your needs. If you're always in a dangerous situation, for example, a good-level helmet is a smart idea. On the other hand, choose from level I to level IIIA ballistic helmets if you need to protect your head from minor injuries or for everyday duty.

Anyone can buy and use any ballistic helmet as far as the Federal government is concerned. However, before buying one, make sure to check your state's laws. You can easily buy these special force helmets at any online defense store in the USA.