Ever had an experience where you kept on clicking on a web page but…
Nothing seemed to work πŸ˜•
Although the Brand and its products had quite a good reviews, however, just a simple click function does not work
Made you a Potential Buyer LEAVE the website and switch to some Competitor's products

πŸ™ Why did that happen?
Did the Brand forget its Web maintenance checks?
Mostly probably … YES

Many Businesses seem to forget a simple yet very crucial
Website rule
That is,
To have regular Website features and every UI & UX aspect

Checked and maintained!
Because just like a plant, not taken proper care of starts to fall off leaf by leaf and stops growing
The same thing can happen to your Web applications
#1 Their responsiveness may start to slow down
#2 Some functions might not be working as they should
#3 Slowly your site abandonment ratio will be growing
#4 You make be flourishing with your offline shop (if you have one) but in the digital era of the time your Web presence may be brutally vanishing off
#5 You may lose your leads!!
And as a well-understood fact, a lead can be your next potential Customer
So, before you start to lose any more leads because of your not updated website/ web app

Let me share some Red Flags, that you may notice and quickly get your Web maintenance team (or ESurgent Private Limited
) to help you do the needed fixing of your Web App

No.1 🏴
Your website takes too… much… time to load
No.2 🏴
You Images or graphics are glitchy
No.3 🏴
Your Content or Copy has become ancient and does not have the hot BUZZING Keywords
No.5 🏴
Your Web app is missing out on some trendy features,
Say for example direct login with your Phone passcode (a fingerprint scan or a pattern lock)


Your current features still have a lot more space to add more functionalities and ease of use for your customers
No.6 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Well, I have already written a complete details Blog sharing the
8 Reasons to upgrade your Software Web applications


Don't worry this link works 🀟🏾
And if you are thinking or have any ideas for getting yourself a Website or Web application build and

Would like to have a FREE quote