The glitter of React Native Apps has not gone unnoticed by developers looking for making a name in the cross-platform world.

The demand for app development is ever increasing. This ever-increasing demand is partly driven by the constant updates that make the framework advanced. However, this demand can only go up to a point, as React Developers have to learn their way around the development process. They need to specifically focus on avoiding React native app development mistakes which can ruin the user’s experience and their skills.


In this article, we have cumulated top mistakes which React developers need to keep in mind and avoid when working with React Native Apps.

Complexities Involved in React Native App Development

Reliability of Native Developers

Sometimes React Developers need to seek advice or in other words rely on native developers. They need to do this especially when they need to put heavy computational operations into the application. These apps further force React Developers to offload computation to the native part of the app, which in turn mandates the need for native developers.

Limitations in Abstraction Layer

An abstraction layer is added to the native platform, to add more functionality to the React Native apps. However, the abstraction Layer in itself comes with some issues. During React Native app development, these issues need to be avoided. Some of these issues are::

  • Locating bugs that get encountered in the abstraction layer is extremely difficult.
  • High dependency on third-party services and libraries.
  • Reliability in implementing custom designs.

Zero support for parallel threading

React Native comprises a single Javascript thread. Due to this, React developers might observe slow performances when they want to execute any processes simultaneously. This is one of the major react native limitations.

Highly Complex iOS deployment

In the case of React Native, developers find it infuriating when they decide to test their iPhone app on any testing services except for Apple’s Testflight. This is because they will have to deal with issues of receiving provisioning profiles and mandatory certificates.

The process is not extremely challenging on Android. It is extremely smooth and seamless to test and deploy Android apps.

As mentioned previously, React Native, doesn’t come completely devoid of challenges. Rather, it ultimately comes down to the experience of the developers. For novice or less skilled react developers these challenges would appear extremely minor. While for highly established React Developers it won’t.

The only differentiating factor between a skilled and unskilled React developer is the knowledge of mistakes that must be avoided in any case. The complete elimination of errors results in error-free React Native apps.

What makes React Native complex for some is not only the framework limitations but also the React Native app development errors that developers commit accidentally.

Mistakes to Avoid When Developing React Native Apps

Incorrect Estimation

React Developers should estimate the validation layout very well. When React developers create apps, they are supposed to write more codes compared to when you create a hybrid app on any other framework let’s say Cordava. While creating a React Native app, developers should check all the different endpoints offered by the backend. Since you need to handle the logic in React Native app, it should all be coded correctly. React Developers should comprehend the database structure, how the entities are connected, and much more.
