How does Artificial Intelligence Work?

The main issue with denoting AI as just "building machine that is intelligent" is that it doesn't explain the nature of artificial intelligence. What is it that makes a machine bright? AI is an interdisciplinary science that has multiple methods. However, advances in deep learning and machine learning are causing the possibility of a paradigm shift across every aspect of the technology business.

In their revolutionary textbook Artificial Intelligence A New Approach, the co-authors Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig tackle the issue by bringing their research around the topic of intelligent machines with intelligent agents. In this context, AI refers to "the study of the agents who receive perceptions from their surroundings and carry out actions. Find out more about Predictive Analytics, ML, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing(NLP), Sequence Learning, etc. with AI ML courses.

You're traveling along an extremely long stretch of the open road. It's like you enjoy the road all to you. For a long time, there's been no traffic. This is a welcome relief compared to the commute you endure every day to get to work bustling downtown area. It's just you and the vast highway.

The general scenery along the highway is admittedly dull. It's not much to look at. There aren't any fancy billboards or other striking features. The only thing that humans make is the asphalt that has been laid down on the highway and the road lines painted with paint that appear to stretch to the edge of the possible horizon.

It is easy to start being a little distracted by those lines, lane markers, and lines on the highway. To drive, you're just trying to ensure that your vehicle is within the confines of your lanes. You're pressed down onto the accelerator with an unending amount of pressure, and you're keeping a steady speed. Your hands are secure and entirely at the wheel, and you are occasionally making tiny adjustments to ensure the vehicle continues to speed forward along this endless straight road.

Some bumps are caused by driving over rough patches along the highway, giving an enjoyable break from the otherwise monotony of the driving journey. If those bumps are a bit rough and they spark your mind to recall that you're driving a vehicle. You are indeed driving a car with speeds of more than 65 miles an hour, and you're accelerating at a speed that may not seem like a lot; however, if someone were on the roadside, you'd be speeding right past them.

Driving While Drunk

Suppose you're tired when driving can be hazardous. This is certainly not going to occur to you. You hate people who try to drive after being drunk. Of course, it's not a stretch that you've got less respect for those who are attempting to drink and drive.

The monotony of the driving trip begins to eat over your head. It's almost as if you're not in your body anymore. It's like your body; in essence, your arms and legs are doing their job without being able to put any conscious thoughts into it. Your mind is swaying away from the issues at hand, and your body and legs are doing what is right by staying focused on your car's controls.

What's happening to you in this lengthy and tedious journey?

Perhaps you recall learning in an instructor training course about dangers associated with highway hypnosis. It was the norm that new drivers were advised about the dangers that arouse the mind on highways. They would tell you to be vigilant for your brain to go into a euphoria-like state.

The trance can be created through driving, especially when there are very few or no changes in the road or other tempting enticements that keep your mind on the game.

 It's evident that when in a busy urban environment, you are bombarded with stimuli, and your brain must be operating at its highest level (well, we would like to think so to your benefit and that of the other drivers in the vicinity). However, driving on an extended mountain road, an endless desert, or lengthy straightaways is typically devoid of any significant visual stimulation.

Highway Hypnosis or driving without awareness

Many trace the roots of the development of highway hypnosis to the very beginnings of driving and the first formulas for automobiles. Some historical sources indicate that the concept was initially called road hypnotism, later renamed highway theorizing. The term highway hypnosis is more memorable.

Specific experts are not fond of the term because it incorporates the concept of hypnotism in the phrase. There are many reasons why the mention of being hypnotized or being the person who is hypnotized is false and incorrectly applied. The most appropriate phrase is similar to hypnotism is a condition in 

Driving Without Awareness (DWA).

The idea of driving with no awareness is undoubtedly an intelligent method of describing the scenario; however, the awe-inspiring and powerful beat of urging people to beware of the soul-sapping effects of highway hypnosis is quite challenging to get out of the common language on this topic.

This could cause mental time gaps, which means you can't immediately recall the length of time you've been behind the wheel. Likely, you won't be able to remember the things you've seen when you're sitting in your driver's seat. It's as if your brain has stopped recording what you're seeing. Out of the other, one ear is recording as a cheeky homage to the sage advice on how we often do not even think about mental processing.

The people who claim to have been enthralled by hypnosis on the highway will usually claim that it was not a factor in their driving. They hesitantly admit that they could have been in paradise for a brief period. However, they drove the car. They did not take them from their steering wheel. They did not take their shoes from the pedals.

Disengaged Mentally from the Driving Task

Contrary to this, the most fundamental view of highway hypnosis is that you're completely unaffected by any distractions and that you're focused on the task at hand. The issue is that your mind is detached from the driving task. Many would say that they're using their subconscious mind to perform the driving, not their conscious thoughts (this is a subject for debate).

It's as if your brain has been relegated to the state of mindlessness. The basic functioning of your body and concerning driving the car are still happening. This happens almost known as muscle memory. It's reflexive. Your mind isn't focused on other things. 

It is possible to compare the mental state to the state of being amid a lengthy meditation, and you've gotten rid of your driving task.

The issue is that your brain might not be telling you your mind is in this state of mind. When watching a cat's video, your brain might be telling you that you weren't watching the road. The mind can override the warning. Even though you are overriding it, at least you are nagging. 

What is the significance of this?

A person in a state of hypnosis on the highway or a similar issue may get bored in their driving and thus experience a sluggish and potentially life-threatening reaction to a sudden road accident.

For instance, on a long stretch of highway, an elongated piece of tire metal is lying across the road. It's not immediately apparent to the naked eye. The shape, size, and color permit it to blend in with the overall design of the road surface.

A driver caught in hypnosis on the highway could experience a delayed and inaccurate reaction to hitting the tire-tearing chunk of debris. While a driver who was focused on their thoughts might react with a sense of fear and surprise and concern, they'd at the very least be aware that they had hit something on the road surface. 

Their brain processing would guide that mental calculation very quickly. As a result, they'd respond with an already-created mental model instructing them to slow the car until they safely exit the highway slowly.

One who is sunk through hypnosis on the highway would likely be shocked by the sound and the sudden reaction of the vehicle. It would bring them back in the game. However, their minds might be at a loss as to what transpired. Did they get hit by something? Did the car itself break?

They'll likely not be able to remember where the vehicle was before the incident. Did they forget something about the road? The mind could start to fool them. Maybe a deer walked onto the highway, but they were so absorbed in their minds that they couldn't notice it. The deer appeared to be inaccessible to their minds.

In this instance, the suddenly engaged mind could prompt the driver to perform something inappropriate in the context. This could be because the mind isn't aware of what just transpired. 

Understanding the Levels of Self-Driving Cars

To clarify, self-driving vehicles are those where the AI controls the vehicle entirely by itself, and it doesn't have any human involvement in the driving process.

The driverless cars are categorized as Levels 4 and 5, whereas the car requiring human drivers to share the driving responsibility is classified as Level 2 or 3. The vehicles that share the driving tasks are referred to as semi-autonomous. They typically include various automated add-ons called ADAS (Advanced driver-assistance systems).

It's not yet a fully autonomous vehicle at level 5, and we do not know what it will take to realize and how long it takes to reach it.

In the meantime, Level 4 efforts are gradually gaining some momentum by taking part in very narrow and specific public road tests. Still, there is disagreement over whether the testing is appropriate (we are all guinea participants in an experiment on our roadways and byways, some argue).

vehicle and so on, we must be wary of being fooled into thinking that the driver will distract them from the task of driving when driving a semi-autonomous vehicle.

Self-Driving Cars, Highway Hypnosis

In the case of levels four and Level 5 authentic self-driving vehicles, there won't be any human drivers taking part in the driving tasks. The vehicle's occupants will be passengers, and the AI will be driving.

To be discussed immediately, the AI employed in the present AI driving systems isn't conscious. Also, AI is all a collection of computer-based algorithms and programming that is undoubtedly incapable of reasoning in the same way that humans can.

Why do we have this extra importance to AI? AI having no sense?

As I am trying to stress that when I speak about the function of AI as an AI driving system, I'm not attributing human characteristics to AI. Be aware of the ever-present and risky trend to humanize AI. In essence, we have been putting human-like feelings on AI of today, despite the evident and undisputed reality that no such AI is in existence yet.

In light of that, it is clear that the AI-driven system cannot automatically "know" the different aspects of driving. The driving process and everything it implies will have to be programmed in the software and hardware that make up the autonomous car.

The problem in this scenario is that the driver's mind may not react appropriately to an anomaly on the road. Additionally, the driver could be unaware of something that could cause harm when performing any everyday driving task due to their mind being shut out.

Let's leave it at that for now.

If the AI isn't able to communicate, then we're to be in a safe place to assert that the AI's driving algorithm is not likely to become an innocent victim of highway theorizing.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) driving doesn't have eyeballs (not at the moment). It is equipped with video cameras and other sensors, such as radars, LIDAR, and the similar. Additionally, AI doesn't possess a brain. AI currently has a range of computers and electronic circuitry that is not a brain. It shouldn't be compared to the human brain.

This is why it's essential.

For those who are skeptical regarding the purpose of highway hypnosis, be adamant that for you to experience highway hypnosis, you have to have eyes made of human flesh, a brain, and that your eyes and your brain are the two elements that are believed to be attracted by the speed of highway driving.

 We've stated before that AI driving systems aren't constructed in this way, so they can't be considered potentially susceptible to road hypnosis.

Let's take a moment. Let's be more flexible in this.

If you're willing to acknowledge that highway hypnosis can be more about driving with no awareness and agree to define consciousness in a more logically flexible way (even without the sense), it is possible to look at how this applies to autonomous vehicles constructively.

Imagine that a self-driving vehicle is driving along an empty highway. There are no other vehicles. There's nothing to be said about it, just vast open terrain that's uninteresting mainly and boring.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been designed to track objects near the driving scene. The software maintains a list of internal objects. A software developer has created the list to contain as many as 1,000 objects detected at any given time. 


Sure sly AI developers might claim that the idea of an error or defect being present in the AI controlling system's code is unreal and wouldn't ever happen.

If you genuinely believe that is the case, it's uncomfortable.

 I strongly recommend that anyone who believes in real-time system development's pureness as flawless and free of any flaws should read my review of the recent glitch in the code to build The NASA Mars helicopter known as Ingenuity.

To give a glimpse to people who don't know, there will be mistakes and glitches inherent in AI control systems regardless of some analysts' or even vendors' opinions.

Although testing and simulation could assist in identifying these bugs before they occur, there is an almost certain possibility that they will be present in self-driving vehicles that are fielded. 

The main issue will be how well the error-handling and contingency plans are within this AI-driven system to handle the situation when these bugs pop to the surface and begin their odd job.

I don't wish anyone to declare that AI-based self-driving vehicles will have the ability to hypnotize highways.

 This is a slippery slope toward humanizing AI. Let's assume that there is the possibility of AI driving systems that go into undesirable states of processing, and we can consider this to be similar to driving with no focus and attention paid to the task at hand.