F2P players favor this method due to the fact that it has less requirements. Iron is among the most abundant metals found in Runescape as well as inexpensive too Cheap RS Gold. In order to transform one Iron ore into Iron Ingot Grade I will require only one ore. It won't require coal in any way.

The cost for making Burial Armor in Runescape depends on the type of material you're using and its grade. The type of material from low-value to highest-value is Iron, Steel, Mithril Adamant, Runite. In terms of grades, grade I will be the least expensive and purest ingot while Grade IV is the purest type of ingot.

To make grade I an ingot require the exact amount of iron to create it. It's just one ore for one Grade I ingot. For Grade II ingots, you'd require more ores. For one Grade III ingot, even more ores. The process is the same for all.

This means that the cost of building burial armor is determined by a number of aspects. If you're using Iron of Grade I, you'll have the opportunity to purchase exp at low rates, but the process will take a long time. The gold per burial armor you receive will be the lowest old school rs gold. Whereas if you use valuable metals at a greater grade level, you'll get an increase in exp rate at a quicker rate.