More constraints on casting spells which were formerly too simple to cast: inclusion of straight-line casting for specific long-range spells, reduction in certain creatures' scope, more cooldown periods.Improved visibility for specific effects: We've recently developed new instruments to Dofus Kamas echo make combat easier to comprehend, and we're benefiting from adjustments to the dungeons to utilize those instruments retroactively whenever possible on the dungeons that came out prior to the tools were available.

This does not indicate that no other dungeons will be reviewed, but we chose to concentrate on the dungeons with the most issues, provided that the time that was accessible to us. We will continue to keep your eye on the outcomes of our changes, both and beyond, and make any necessary adjustments. We expect these dungeons to operate better now, but most importantly, we hope that more Dofus players will have an opportunity to explore them, and so take whole advantage of all the content we have to offer you.

By the way: this does not mean that we're completely abandoning the possibility of generating more"demanding" articles later on. We are going to keep considering the most effective methods to supply this type of content to the Dofus players who request it, while still making sure that it's accessible and interesting for as many Dofus players as possible. Idols and Achievements are already useful resources to make available a substantial difficulty boost for content that is still generally available, but we aspire to iterate on these mechanisms in order to feed the insatiable appetites of our most demanding Dofus players.

Finally helping us inferior account plebs. It felt like a team controlled by 1 person or shared among individuals on discord or something could manage to do because they require, some end game dungeons. Especially now on echo where when you finally receive a group, somebody might not speak english and it becomes even more challenging to explain aaaall the rules.However this may also help all those individuals with a group who get others through end-game dungeons for mad number of kamas and achievement tools. That's fine for now 1 problem at one time!

Just really unfair, I see 1 way, all individuals must make 4-8 man tems and leech each other.If I should pass catseye or Cheap Kamas Dofus Retro vortex dung for a pursuit, im not prepared to search for a fantastic Dofus players for like 3-4 days, and dont need to pay 10mk+ to get some dude who given he 8char team, sits and waits for solo Dofus players who is geting those 10mk extremely hard. .