According to Google, around 460 million Indians are online now, viewing, sharing, and interacting with businesses and each other. This demonstrates how digital media may assist us in expanding our company options.

What is Digital Marketing

In its most basic form, digital marketing is the use of various online platforms to attract a target audience to your business. The capacity to target a specific demographic and the sophisticated tracking capabilities available to evaluate how effective different mediums are in reaching your marketing goals are the two most crucial characteristics that digital marketing gives to a firm.

What are the various channels used in digital marketing?

As a digital marketing agency Dubai, here I have listed the main channels that are used for Digital Marketing

Paid channels

It is, as the name implies, a sponsored advertisement for your company. To reach the desired audience, you must pay the media channels in the form of advertising or sponsorship. Search Engine Ads, Social Media Ads, Display Ads on News and Entertainment Websites, Remarketing, Paid Influencers, and other paid channels are examples.

At pentacodes- digital marketing company in Dubai  using pad channels also for promoting your products and services.

Organic channels

You can also use organic channels to advertise your business and attract potential clients, such as your website, social media pages, blogs, and so on. The primary distinction between organic and paid media channels is that you don't have to spend to reach new audiences with organic channels. Organic channels are unique to your company and give a lot of flexibility in terms of usage. For instance, you can improve your website's user experience for customers, add keyword-optimized content to your website (search engine optimization) to attract free visitors, and update your social media pages to propagate your brand message. Organic channels, when handled correctly, can help you build a long-term relationship with your clients.

As a best digital marketing agency Dubai we use more Organic channels compared to paid traffic.