The choice of university and degree program are some of the most significant in your life. They set the path for your career and transition you into the real world. You make memories in college, and everyone wants to have an unforgettable experience.

A Christian student will probably give this choice an even deeper thought, seeking institutions that align with their beliefs. E-learning has facilitated studying beyond geographical borders, and you can find a private Christian college even online. But how do you know if such a college is right for you?

What Makes a Christian College?

A Christian college differs from traditional institutions of higher learning in a few but distinct ways. While every Christian college will be unique, these schools tend to have these features in common:

  • The school curriculum is from a Christian standpoint.

Every subject, including science, follows a faith-based approach, which forms the framework for learning.

  • The colleges aim to strengthen their students’ faith.

The school environment works to deepen your faith through chapel services, spiritual guides, and classes.

  • They nurture a large faith-based community.

The Christian faith thrives in building communities, and private Christian colleges will nurture this even with online learning.

  • They modulate morality

If anything sells in Hollywood movies based on on-campus students, it is drunken debauchery. Christian colleges have strict policies against drinking, drug abuse, and fornication. You will be at risk of facing a review committee should you break any of these regulations.

What Else Makes a Christian College Different?

Aside from a faith-based approach to learning, a Christian college may differ from traditional universities in these ways:

Smaller class sizes

Most Christian institutions are private entities and are likely to be small. Unlike public universities, they will have a smaller professor-to-student ratio.


 While these schools may technically be more expensive than public universities, the larger Christian-based networks offer benefits such as academic funding. There will be opportunities to access scholarships and grants.

Opportunities for service

 Tertiary studies can be thorough and make it difficult to balance other aspects such as service. Christian colleges have service embedded in their learning model and will provide numerous such opportunities. They are a great option to serve your campus, community, and nation.

Are There Limitations to Christian Colleges?

The benefits of learning in a faith-anchored institution are numerous. They span a strong faith-based community, a sense of kinship as believers, and access to Christian majors if you want to pursue a religious study.

Like any other thing, however, it has its share of limitations.

Stricter rules and regulations

 Institutions will impose stricter regulations to ensure that you uphold the morality standards. Tougher punishments may be due for breaking these rules, including fines and suspension.

Limited exposure to other perspectives

Learning in this enclosed environment will mean reduced chances of meeting people with diverse opinions. While you should protect your faith, it is important to acknowledge that not everyone in the world will agree with you, and college is a good preparation ground.

It might be costly

 If you cannot get funding, you may need to dig deeper into your pockets for tuition fees. The cost, however, is compensated for by the intimate learning environment, the strong community, and opportunities to exert yourself as a person of faith.

A Christian college is your best bet if you want to learn in an environment that nurtures your faith and beliefs. Such a school will expose you to numerous benefits anchored on faith while offering a biblical approach to academic studies.